Saturday, November 30, 2019

The behavior of an at

Describe at least three at-risk behaviors that you would address as this student’s Teacher, and explain why each behavior is problematic At-risk behaviors can be defined as those behaviors people have, which could lead to a high probability of making bad choices that could affect their future. They may include drug use, alcohol consumption, and low concentration among other behaviors (Zhan, 1999, p.91). In reference to the case study, this 16-year-old student has a number of at-risk behaviors.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The behavior of an at-risk student specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first involves sleeping frequently in class, which lowers the student’s level of concentration, and important lessons taught in class are likely to pass by, thus affecting the student during exams. Indeed, the student is likely to fail his exams, as his concentration level is low. The second behavior in volves refusing to answer question directly, an at-risk behavior that means the student never concentrates in class, and therefore he avoids answering questions directly, as he is not sure of the answers. Another at-risk behavior, defacing of desks and textbooks in class, indicates that this student is careless, and this could be a hindrance to his success in the future, where he may required being careful, yet failing tremendously. His anti-social behavior is of concern, as he is not able to make many friends; this could be problematic in the future where teamwork is expected, and therefore, the victim may find it hard to blend in with others. Due to the fact that the student has only one surviving parent, circumstances force him to work after school, hence, his attention is divided, and thus the main cause of loosing focus in class. Briefly describe at least three instructional interventions that you, as this.  Student’s teacher, would implement in the classroom during th e regular school.  Day to appropriately address each at-risk behavior At-risk behaviors associated with students can be solved through various interventions. According to Hilyer Walden university (2007, p.4), teachers can rely on improvement programs that focus on knowledge about dealing with students; this can include communication methods. Nevertheless, the student’s behavior of refusing to answer questions directly symbolizes failure to listen to questions, or fear of giving the wrong answer. Therefore, a teacher should ensure that a program of enhancing listening is initiated, such that, the student’s understands the question first before answering it.Advertising Looking for coursework on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Panahon, et al. (2007, p.36), cognitive behavior therapy intervention assists students in problem solving, whereby, students are taught how to evaluate challenging s ituations by gathering relevant information, thinking about the responses, and choosing the best response to give in form of an answer. Cognitive oriented instruction intervention involves strategies that aim at assisting students on effective learning. These strategies enable teachers to assist students in improving their thinking, hence enabling them to give the right responses; in addition, monitoring of students’ progress is encouraged (McREL, 2003, p.4). Behavior education program (BEP) is an intervention that involves daily check-in and checks-outs on the student. A teacher ensures that a student checks in with him after class, thereby receiving an immediate feedback on his/her behavior during class time. In addition, a student’s progress is monitored and performance reports are sent to parents. This kind of intervention will enable a student to be cautious on his behavior, especially if the teachers and parents are involved in assisting the student. BEP involves frequent meetings between the teacher and the student, and low effort is required from the teachers, continuous monitoring enables effective decision-making, (Lindsey White, 2008, p.670). Anti-social at-risk behavior It is evident that the student is anti-social, hence unfriendly and only relates to few friends. Therefore, the need for Tier 2 social skill groups is important, as it assists the student to develop social skills and relate well with his peers, hence communication skills are enhanced, and the student is able to improve on teamwork (Sandomierski, Kincaid Bob, N.d., p.4). Tier two interventions include small group counseling interventions; it is designed to enable students to be flexible and highly efficient. It is factual that students with behavioral problem have academic challenges too; therefore, the need to implement effective interventions is necessary.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The behavior of an at-risk student specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mentoring program is an intervention that assists students in their challenges; this program will focus on the causes of the student’s anti-social behavior. A teacher should be in a position to mentor a student and create a form of trust with the student. In addition, a student will then be able to pour out his heart to the teacher, and the root of the problem can be identified. Peer paring is important for the anti-social behavior, such that the student will be able to develop positive social skills when paired up with his peers; hence the student learns to cooperate and communicating, hence improving on his social behavior. The anti-social nature of a student may affect the student’s after-school life; however, when tackled at a young stage, the issue may be eliminated. Frequent sleeping in class at risk behavior This kind of behavior affects a student’s academic life, as his concentration is lo w, however, a teacher can curb such a problem via introducing rules that are against sleeping in class. However a teacher can have a one on one meeting with student and try to understand the cause of his behavior, which in this case, the cause may be tiresomeness due to multi tasking, especially when this student works after classes to support his family. Increasing one-on-one time with a student is an intervention that will assist the student to realize the value of academics and how to balance his schoolwork and work life. These interventions should be based on finding solutions to a student’s problems; therefore, they should be geared towards effectiveness. The teacher can also assist the student to manage his time effectively to reach a balance. Counseling can also assist students in sharing their problems with the counselor, thereafter the counselor can find ways to assist such students in overcoming challenges that affect their class work, (Lindsey White, 2008, p.666). Communication should be encouraged between the teachers and the students to ensure quality learning. Using of whole brain teaching which includes humor, play, games, or music can keep a student alert and attentive in class, since it engages the students for its fun (Barnes, 2010).Advertising Looking for coursework on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Barnes, D. (2010). Interventions for at – risk students. Web. Hilyer, S., Walden University. (2007). Intervention strategies for underachieving and at-risk middle-level students. NY: ProQuest Publisher. Panahon, A. et al. (2007). School-based Interventions for Students with or at Risk for Depression. Web. Sandomierski, T. Kincaid, D., Bob, A. (N.d). Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior Support: Brothers from Different Mothers or Sisters from Different Misters. Web. White, M., Lindsey, B. (2008). Tier 2 Behavioral Interventions for At-Risk.: Students. Web. Zhan, L. (1999). Asian voices: Asian and Asian American health educators speak out. NJ: Jones Bartlett Learning Publisher. This coursework on The behavior of an at-risk student was written and submitted by user Hazel Galloway to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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