Tuesday, December 24, 2019

An Overview of Childhood Leukemia - 704 Words

Overview of Presentation This paper will provide an overview of childhood leukemia, as depicted in My Sisters Keeper It will discuss the emotional and social stresses the disease places upon the family as well as upon the individual patient. Background of Movie and Character My Sisters Keeper depicts a family that decided to have another child named Anna through genetic engineering that is identical to their eldest daughter Kate. This enables Anna to have a perfect genetic match and keeps Kate alive. At the beginning of the film, Kate has gone into renal failure and Anna is being required to donate a kidney to her sister. Functional Assessments Health Perception/Health Management: Despite the fact that she needs a kidney transplant, Kate wishes to see herself as normal and develop as a normal adolescent. Nutrition/Metabolic: A healthy diet for someone with leukemia is similar to that of the everyday population (Suszynski 2011). Kate must modify her diet, however, given her failing kidney. Pattern of Elimination: Normal until recently, given that cancer has spread to the kidneys. Kate is currently at the hospital undergoing dialysis. Assessment Continued Pattern of Activity/Exercise: Kate led an active lifestyle of an adolescent, including dancing and going to the beach, when not in the hospital for treatment with her condition. Conceptual/Perceptual Pattern: Kates mother Sara has not emotionally dealt with her illness, given the profoundShow MoreRelatedLeukemia is the most Common Form of Cancer Among Children Worldwide1380 Words   |  5 Pagesblood cells is leukemia. As of the year 2012, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) reports that leukemia represents a percentage of 2.5% of all cancers with 352 cases diagnosed per 1000. From a regional perspective, Qatar ranks at the 24th position for leukemia with a rate of 5.4 deaths per 100,000 as documented by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2011. 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Retrieved from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/234240-overview#aw2aab6b3 Typical bacterial pathogens that can cause community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) include  S pneumoniae  (penicillin-sensitive and -resistant strains),  H influenzae  (ampicillin-sensitive and -resistant strains), and  M catarrhalis  (all strainsRead MoreCase Study About Pneumonia10478 Words   |  42 Pagesstill had intermittent cough. She had an IVF of D5LR at 20 gtts. D. History of Past Illnesses Mrs.MCS stated that she had experience diseases like mumps, small pox, measles amp; boil in her childhood. She also stated that she had a fracture to her 2nd ICS because she fell from the stairs on her childhood; she also stated that this fracture doesn’t damage any organs inside her thorax. The client cannot remember any immunization given to her. E. Family Health Illness History (Genogram) UNK Read MoreNursing Essay41677 Words   |  167 PagesCenter Consortium. PREPUBLICATION COPY: UNCORRECTED PROOFS Copyright  © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health http://www.nap.edu/catalog/12956.html Contents SUMMARY OVERVIEW OF THE REPORT PART I: KEY MESSAGES AND STUDY CONTEXT 1 Key Messages of the Report 2 Study Context S-1 O-1 1-1 2-1 PART II: A FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE NURSING PROFESSION 3 Transforming Practice 3-1 4 Transforming Education 4-1 5 TransformingRead MoreGsk Annual Report 2010135604 Words   |  543 PagesDo more, feel better, live longer GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2010 Contents Business review P08–P57 Governance and remuneration P58–P101 Financial statements P102–P191 Shareholder information P192–P212 Business review 2010 Performance overview Research and development Pipeline summary Products, competition and intellectual property Regulation Manufacturing and supply World market GSK sales performance Segment reviews Responsible business Financial review 2010 Financial position and resources

Monday, December 16, 2019

Lgbt Organizations Free Essays

LGBT Supportive Organizations The first website I visited was called No Longer Silent: Clergy for Justice. Their main focus was on an alternative Christian perspective on the issue of homosexuality. They basically believed in advocating justice for all, especially Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgendered persons. We will write a custom essay sample on Lgbt Organizations or any similar topic only for you Order Now The support that I see they give is a sense of belonging. They give the support that many seek with is religious acceptance. This organization is very unique because for many years the church has never really given gays a home; No Longer Silent gives us that place to go to for moral support. Their website gave educational materials like articles on news pertaining to our community. Also materials like scriptures from that give the LGBT community, who are not familiar with the bible; some interpretations and teachings. The next website that I visited was called Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network. Their focus was on assuring that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. They give support by giving students internet resources on bullying. They also support our LGBT community by starting their campaign â€Å"Think before you speak†. It helps us inform the world that words do hurt and helps in the prevention of anti-gay language. Their website gives educational materials like Facts about Sexual Orientation. They even give resources like crisis support and advocacy. Then I visited the website for Equality Arizona. Their focus is to secure, protect and defend the rights and welfare of LGBT people in Arizona. The support they give is huge throughout the state of Arizona. They are the ones that fight for our rights. They support us in legal stand points like marriage and adoption. As for educational materials, they give many blogs on how our issues are coming along. For example: They explain how our local LGBT leaders respond to President Obama’s Declaration of Support for Marriage Equality. Next website visited was PFLAG Phoenix. Their focus is on celebrating diversity and envisions a society that embraces everyone, including those of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Their support is very important to our community. Their support is being our family with open arms. It gives parents and families a place where they can show their support for us. They have a lot of educational material for not only our LGBT community but for our families too. It gives terminology, some theories, and most of all many answers to questions. The last website I visited was 1n10. Their focus is on providing our youth with the tools to improve their self-esteem and help with acceptance of who they are. Their support is how they create a safe space, mentally and physically, for youth ranging for 14-24. Their support also includes helping teens by providing homeless shelters and suicide prevention crisis lines. Educational materials were scarce. I really didn’t find anything other than a lot of resources for different problems our LGBT youth may encounter. To say the truth, I never knew any of these organizations existed. The one that melted my heart the most would be the PFLAG website. Reason being is all LGBT people look for family acceptance. All the pictures of the protesters made me smile. The 1n10 website also struck me because to me the youth is our future. If they are not educated or helped with open arms, society just might take steps back instead of forward. Our adolescent years are crucial especially being LGBT. The Equality Arizona website gives me hope that one day they will push far enough to make Marriage and Adoption legal for us. I think that step would push us through the red tape at the finish line. No Longer Silent is another milestone. I learned that they gives us a place of religion that doesn’t outcast us or tell us we should change because if we don’t we’ll go to hell. That’s important to me because during my coming out I lost faith in religion. The GLSEN website shows me that one day LGBT could one day cease forever. All of these websites posed as a great learning experience. How to cite Lgbt Organizations, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Managing Human Resources Sustainable Practices

Question: Discuss about the Managing Human Resources Sustainable Practices. Answer: Introduction Human resource management consists of various members working for attaining the various types of human resource practices in an organization. With the help of the human resource practices, an organization can easily achieve its various goals related to the social and the environmental responsibilities of that organization. The management of the human resource department incorporates various different- different policies for the well-being of the company as well as for the employees working in the organization (Harris, 2011). The human resource department has to perform various tasks like recruiting the new employees for the hospital or any other organization, managing the training programmes for the new employees, development processes for the good working of all the departments of a particular organization, tasks related to any type of dispute within the organization. All the practices being carried out by the human resource department help the company in carrying out their business successfully (Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Sorieno, Leduc, 2006). Various tasks or the responsibilities related to the human resource department are as discussed below. Recommendations According to the information given in the case study, the first hospital is having approximately 400 employees working in the different geographical conditions or locations of the Australia. From the given detail, we came to know that, there is no particular human resource department working in the hospital. Therefore, it is very difficult for the CEO and the other managers of the hospital to manage the complete working of all the departments of the hospital successfully. According to this report, the hospital must have a specific defined human resource department for controlling the overall working of the employees working in the different departments of the hospital (Hogan, Moxham, Dwyer, 2014). As we know, the working of individual completely affects the overall working of the hospital as well as it also affects the overall business of the hospital. With the help of the assigned human resource department the complete working of the hospital will improve for sure (Stanton, Bartram, Leggat, 2008). Various steps required for the building a sustainable HR capability are according to written below. Human Resource Planning The human resource planning helps in managing the number of employees working in the hospital. It helps the management of the hospital in forecasting the number of employees or any type of worker for the hospital in the future. It is must for the human resource planning to get correlated with the business strategies being used within the company. It helps in making a selection among various business strategies, which will help the organization in achieving their goals. It is the responsibility of the human resource management in maintaining the complete workforce of the hospitals. A large number of health care systems are working across the country or we can say worldwide, their main attention is on the quality of services being provided by them to the customers (Ojha Sinha, 2016). It is the responsibility of the human resource management in maintaining good relations with the health input systems, elements related to the budget system and the expenditure categories, etc. the human resource manager manages the balance between the large number of human resources as well as the physical resources. Staffing - In this process of the human resource management the functioning of each and every employee is clearly explained to the staff of the hospital. The patterns related to the staff of the hospital are clearly defined and is clearly indicated in the each and every department of the hospital. Each and every employee should know about the job which he or she has to perform for the organization. The job description provided to the employees by the human resource department will clearly explain the various functioning of a particular employee as well as the responsibilities which they have to perform for the sake of the hospital. Recruitment The human resource management working in the hospital helps in the recruitment process of the employees. The management is provided with a particular recruitment strategy for the successful selection of the employees for the hospital. For this the management of the human resource advertises the various posts widely and afterwards the short listing of the candidates is completely based upon the particular selection criteria defined by the management of the hospital. The selection criterion is clearly described in the job description provided at the time of advertisement by the human resource manager. The selection process is completely done according to the need of the organization, i.e., the selection process may include written examination, medical examination, skills testing, etc. Performance The management should take strict action for evaluating the performance of each and every employee working in the hospital. It is the responsibility of the human resource manager for implementing a staff appraisal process within the organization. The management should provide special training to the employees for implementing the appraisal process successfully. The results related to the performance of all the employees should be circulated in all the departments of the hospital. Ensuring 24 hour coverage in this phase of the management, the appropriate plan is made for making the several improvements related to the capacity strength of the staff in a hospital. It also helps in defining the support related to the clinical staff, managerial support as well as any other supporting staff working in the hospital for the sake of the hospital as well as for the patients. For the successful accomplishment of this phase, the management provides training to the staff of the hospital. Each and every department of the hospital has different- different representatives, which ensures the capability and the strength of the workers working in his/her departments so that, the performance strength can be easily ensured within the organization. Personnel procedures In this phase of the human resource, all the workers working in the different departments of the hospital are directly attached to the human resource database so that, any type of service can be availed by the staff in an effective manner and in an efficient time period. In this phase, the verification of each and every employee of all the departments is being tested so as to provide them authentication regarding to the job or work they are performing or which they still have to perform. In this step of the human resource, the manager of the department provides identity cards and identity numbers to the employees as per according to the departments in which they are working (Lopes Lobo, 2015). All the processes related to the leaves of the employees or regarding to the death, disability or retirement, etc., are being handled in this step of the management. Latest technologies are being used by the management for recording the attendance of the employees on a re gular basis. Various types of benefits are being provided by the management to the employees regarding to rules and regulations defined by the hospital management as well as by the government of the country regarding the job. Staff Induction and Communication According to the detail given in the case study, the management of the first hospital is not working according to the human resource department or we can say that, there is no particular human resource department for managing the complete working of the employees in the hospital (Kwak, McCarthy, Parker, 1997). For fetching the information about the various problems being faced by the employees of the hospital at the time they are communicating with the patients or providing any type of service to the patients the management should introduce staff induction and communication process in the hospital. This process will help the employees in expressing their views with the other employees and with the head of the departments. Management needs to provide specific solutions for the problems being faced by the employees while the time of dealing the customers, etc. the communication process and training provided to the employees by the management regardin g to the use of different languages in the hospital, will help the employees in making several deals easily (Negi, 2013). Health and Safety for carrying out any type of business the various health and safety measures are very necessary for all the organizations (Tikare, 2009). The customers nowadays are very sensitive in nature regarding to the machines being used by the hospital for treatment purposes, equipment used for any type of service, use of latest technology for the treatment process, etc. Salary and Wages this step is also an important part of the human resource management. In this step, the manager or the management of the human resource department circulated the salary structure of the employees depending upon the service or job an individual is performing (University of California, 2015). The salary of an individual working in the hospital is completely dependent upon the type of task he/she is performing for the hospital in providing various services to the customers/patients etc. Benefits the management of the hospital should take time to time surveys for evaluating the various favorable and unfavorable conditions affecting the sustainability of the hospital environment. The management should reward the employees those who are working god for the sake of the company and this step of rewarding an individual will automatically help in motivating the other employees of the company (Limited, 2010). Security regarding to the security of the hospital management should make several efforts for achieving the faith of the people of the country by providing best class services at a reasonable price (Parker, 1997). The management should provide the customers with basic securities like security related to the luggage, security related to the lockers provided to the patients for the safety of their important accessories, security related to the parking facility, etc. Conclusion The human resource management is very necessary for the successful working of any type of organization. It is the responsibility of the management for hiring the best people for their organization so that, they can work effectively and in an efficient manner. The working of an individual completely affects the overall working of the hospital. The management of the hospital should use equipment of the latest technology for providing the latest services to the customers. They should make the use of best class strategy for hiring process of the employees, marketing of the services, etc. with the help of social media channels the management of the hospital can easily get connected with more and more people across the world. All these efforts are very beneficial for increasing the overall profitability of the hospital. Therefore, by attaining the above discussed factors the sustainable human resource capabilities can be achieved. References Harris, S. (2011). The Top Best Practices for the High-Impact HR Organization. Bersin Associates research report. Retrieved from https://marketing.bersin.com/rs/bersin/images/HIHR%20Executive%20Summary.pdf?bcsi_scan_64741547a7fe261b=ha+3Yvkt1iBRbvdtgU8rtDkGzyNAAAAAW2zWZw==bcsi_scan_filename=HIHR%20Executive%20Summary.pdf Hogan, P., Moxham, L., Dwyer, T. (2014, December 17). Human resource management strategies for the retention of nurses in acute care settings in hospitals in Australia. Contemporary Nurse journal, 24(2), 189-199. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.5172/conu.2007.24.2.189 Kabene, S., Orchard, C., Howard, J., Sorieno, M., Leduc, R. (2006, July 27). The importance of human resources management in health care: a global context. PMC journal, 4(20). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1552082/ Kwak, N., McCarthy, K., Parker, G. (1997, June). A Human Resource Planning Model for Hospital/Medical Technologists: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach. Journal of Medical Systems, 21(3), 173187. Retrieved from https://rd.springer.com/article/10.1023/A%3A1022812322966 Limited, C. A. (2010). Australian Master Human Resources . Retrieved from https://books.google.co.in/books?id=ZwY5ubAGeD0Cdq=hr+practices+in+australian+hospitalssource=gbs_navlinks_s Lopes, M., Lobo, B. (2015, May 24). Handling healthcare workforce planning with care: where do we stand? Retrieved from https://human-resources-health.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12960-015-0028-0?bcsi_scan_64741547a7fe261b=gGb5Y7z9dq0CIMkG3eTC8QagWDRAAAAA+08CaA== Negi, K. (2013). Human Resource Management Practices in Large Hospitals. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies., 3(5), 555-560. Retrieved from https://www.ripublication.com/gjmbs_spl/gjmbsv3n5_16.pdf Ojha, V., Sinha, G. (2016, April). The Role of HR in Hospital Administration and Employee Satisfaction. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, 4(4), 1-7. Retrieved from https://www.ijetmas.com/admin/resources/project/paper/f201604271461813464.pdf Parker, G. (1997). A Human Resource Planning Model for Hospital/Medical Technologists: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach. Journal of Medical Systems , 21(3), 173-187 . Retrieved from https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=271929 Stanton, P., Bartram, T., Leggat, S. (2008, February). Exploring the lack of progress in improving patient safety in Australian hospitals. Pub Med journal, 21(1), 32-39. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18275663 Tikare, M. (2009). Study on Human Resource Management Practices in Hospitals and its Impact on Employee Satisfaction. Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil University. Retrieved from https://www.dypusm.com/pdf/thesis/MRINALI%20BABURAO%20TIKARE.pdf?bcsi_scan_64741547a7fe261b=0bcsi_scan_filename=MRINALI%20BABURAO%20TIKARE.pdf University of California. (2015). HR Strategic Plan 2015-2019. Retrieved from https://www.ucop.edu/human-resources/_files/hr-strategic-plan-2015.pdf?bcsi_scan_64741547a7fe261b=GvBD0WESPbcAEwRlds6Ew9QflAtAAAAAEzUQaA==bcsi_scan_filename=hr-strategic-plan-2015.pdf

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The behavior of an at

Describe at least three at-risk behaviors that you would address as this student’s Teacher, and explain why each behavior is problematic At-risk behaviors can be defined as those behaviors people have, which could lead to a high probability of making bad choices that could affect their future. They may include drug use, alcohol consumption, and low concentration among other behaviors (Zhan, 1999, p.91). In reference to the case study, this 16-year-old student has a number of at-risk behaviors.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The behavior of an at-risk student specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first involves sleeping frequently in class, which lowers the student’s level of concentration, and important lessons taught in class are likely to pass by, thus affecting the student during exams. Indeed, the student is likely to fail his exams, as his concentration level is low. The second behavior in volves refusing to answer question directly, an at-risk behavior that means the student never concentrates in class, and therefore he avoids answering questions directly, as he is not sure of the answers. Another at-risk behavior, defacing of desks and textbooks in class, indicates that this student is careless, and this could be a hindrance to his success in the future, where he may required being careful, yet failing tremendously. His anti-social behavior is of concern, as he is not able to make many friends; this could be problematic in the future where teamwork is expected, and therefore, the victim may find it hard to blend in with others. Due to the fact that the student has only one surviving parent, circumstances force him to work after school, hence, his attention is divided, and thus the main cause of loosing focus in class. Briefly describe at least three instructional interventions that you, as this.  Student’s teacher, would implement in the classroom during th e regular school.  Day to appropriately address each at-risk behavior At-risk behaviors associated with students can be solved through various interventions. According to Hilyer Walden university (2007, p.4), teachers can rely on improvement programs that focus on knowledge about dealing with students; this can include communication methods. Nevertheless, the student’s behavior of refusing to answer questions directly symbolizes failure to listen to questions, or fear of giving the wrong answer. Therefore, a teacher should ensure that a program of enhancing listening is initiated, such that, the student’s understands the question first before answering it.Advertising Looking for coursework on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Panahon, et al. (2007, p.36), cognitive behavior therapy intervention assists students in problem solving, whereby, students are taught how to evaluate challenging s ituations by gathering relevant information, thinking about the responses, and choosing the best response to give in form of an answer. Cognitive oriented instruction intervention involves strategies that aim at assisting students on effective learning. These strategies enable teachers to assist students in improving their thinking, hence enabling them to give the right responses; in addition, monitoring of students’ progress is encouraged (McREL, 2003, p.4). Behavior education program (BEP) is an intervention that involves daily check-in and checks-outs on the student. A teacher ensures that a student checks in with him after class, thereby receiving an immediate feedback on his/her behavior during class time. In addition, a student’s progress is monitored and performance reports are sent to parents. This kind of intervention will enable a student to be cautious on his behavior, especially if the teachers and parents are involved in assisting the student. BEP involves frequent meetings between the teacher and the student, and low effort is required from the teachers, continuous monitoring enables effective decision-making, (Lindsey White, 2008, p.670). Anti-social at-risk behavior It is evident that the student is anti-social, hence unfriendly and only relates to few friends. Therefore, the need for Tier 2 social skill groups is important, as it assists the student to develop social skills and relate well with his peers, hence communication skills are enhanced, and the student is able to improve on teamwork (Sandomierski, Kincaid Bob, N.d., p.4). Tier two interventions include small group counseling interventions; it is designed to enable students to be flexible and highly efficient. It is factual that students with behavioral problem have academic challenges too; therefore, the need to implement effective interventions is necessary.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on The behavior of an at-risk student specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mentoring program is an intervention that assists students in their challenges; this program will focus on the causes of the student’s anti-social behavior. A teacher should be in a position to mentor a student and create a form of trust with the student. In addition, a student will then be able to pour out his heart to the teacher, and the root of the problem can be identified. Peer paring is important for the anti-social behavior, such that the student will be able to develop positive social skills when paired up with his peers; hence the student learns to cooperate and communicating, hence improving on his social behavior. The anti-social nature of a student may affect the student’s after-school life; however, when tackled at a young stage, the issue may be eliminated. Frequent sleeping in class at risk behavior This kind of behavior affects a student’s academic life, as his concentration is lo w, however, a teacher can curb such a problem via introducing rules that are against sleeping in class. However a teacher can have a one on one meeting with student and try to understand the cause of his behavior, which in this case, the cause may be tiresomeness due to multi tasking, especially when this student works after classes to support his family. Increasing one-on-one time with a student is an intervention that will assist the student to realize the value of academics and how to balance his schoolwork and work life. These interventions should be based on finding solutions to a student’s problems; therefore, they should be geared towards effectiveness. The teacher can also assist the student to manage his time effectively to reach a balance. Counseling can also assist students in sharing their problems with the counselor, thereafter the counselor can find ways to assist such students in overcoming challenges that affect their class work, (Lindsey White, 2008, p.666). Communication should be encouraged between the teachers and the students to ensure quality learning. Using of whole brain teaching which includes humor, play, games, or music can keep a student alert and attentive in class, since it engages the students for its fun (Barnes, 2010).Advertising Looking for coursework on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Barnes, D. (2010). Interventions for at – risk students. Web. Hilyer, S., Walden University. (2007). Intervention strategies for underachieving and at-risk middle-level students. NY: ProQuest Publisher. Panahon, A. et al. (2007). School-based Interventions for Students with or at Risk for Depression. Web. Sandomierski, T. Kincaid, D., Bob, A. (N.d). Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior Support: Brothers from Different Mothers or Sisters from Different Misters. Web. White, M., Lindsey, B. (2008). Tier 2 Behavioral Interventions for At-Risk.: Students. Web. Zhan, L. (1999). Asian voices: Asian and Asian American health educators speak out. NJ: Jones Bartlett Learning Publisher. This coursework on The behavior of an at-risk student was written and submitted by user Hazel Galloway to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom IT Ethics essay

buy custom IT Ethics essay The scientific study of IT ethics has relatively short history. In reflecting on this, the purpose of the research paper is to evaluate how companies can integrate modern ethical practices in an IT organization by reviewing relevant peer journal articles that cover contemporary topics regarding the implementation of ethical IT solutions. Trying to bring together conceptually related constructs, the author composes a paper that evaluates the integration of ethical practices into an information technology organization, demonstrating thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts and providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. The author uses special resources, as both reasonable and valuable, but also not likely to occur in the near future the task and the constant infusion into the literature of new concepts and research findings. Although there are quite a great number of investigation papers on IT ethics, a new viewpoint will be essential for scholars an d researches, who are working in this field of study. The Importance of Ethics in Information Technology IT ethics as a relatively new study, deals with finding and adaption proper courses of individual`s action in the process of IT operations. Its fundamental principals go deep into philosophy that is the methodology of all sciences. To be successful in any business, the leaders have to identify their main ethical principles and the proper course of action that can lead them to achieve their goals and needs. Ethics, itself, is a standard of human`s action regarding to special norms and values that people do constantly relating to their attitude to others, their well-being and happiness. Thus, we can identify one of the main principles of IT ethics: when the employees are happy, they make their customers happy. Ethics serves as a guide in development and deploying IT systems, management of information assets, considering the consequences that may occur. Ethics applies to each customer and gives the opportunity for information technology business to interact with the clients providing appropriate behavior and strategy. Though money is the main reason of any business, those who neglect ethical principles can`t succeed (Downing, 2006, p.45). Good business ethics is an essential part which is a link of a chain in the interaction of business and individual purposes. There are many factors to consider in IT business when making money. First of all, the main factor is the way how people are dealing with each other in the process of their work. The researchers concluded, that business owners that use ethics rules, may get better results and incomes. Many global IT businesses get fines and lose their customers because they break ethical laws (Pai Yeh. 2008, p. 682). Smooth and knowledgeable use of ethics norms and rules helps to customize the software to handle existing business process and accommodate the technology. Every time making an u pgrade of software, IT specialists integrate with other systems and, therefore, other customers and operators have to keep in mind that ethical norms are essential in everything they are doing. The first thing IT operators and managements have to remember is how to make customers to adapt to new systems focusing on people, not only systems (.Raffa Capaldo, 2007, p.10). When people realize the benefits of using ethical norms on personal level, then they will share documents, information, better reporting and decision-making. Thus, we come to the conclusion that IT process is not only money making, but also interaction between people that occur in everyday business performance. What is the Right Thing to Do? Ethics has a wide specter of use and none of the scholars can provide a discipline analysis to a particular case. Dealing with information technology professionals, ethical norms should apply to the selected case, answering the classical question: what is the right thing to do (Slaughter, 2006, p.903)? Focusing on people is, probably, the right answer to the main ethical question. The daily performance of information technology professionals include searching information, sharing information, increasing security of information, improving client service and protection, reporting the information, reducing file storage equipment, space and supplies. While identifying and choosing the staff, it`s important to involve otheremployees of different ranks to participate, that would help to improve the business process and activate even less active individual. That is another example how to use IT ethics effectively in practice. Theoretical knowledge is nothing, if it doesn`t work in practice. Creating pilot groups, where the right people can organize others to achieve business goals, is another important step in successful IT process. It may be reasonable to create these groups from people, who are getting the best feedback from the users and have high ratings and excellent personal and professional skills. Pilot groups have to cooperate with focus groups which may involve administration and high level representatives for better feedback from their customers. So, focusing on people is the right thing to do. Understanding people and process issues clearly distinguishes trust research to date and conceptualization of trust accepted by researches. Finally, by examining the results of people`s behavior and interaction working in the information technology, we came to the conclusion that the results are different from those working in other fields of industries (Agarwal, 2000, p.101). Due to different research sources, quick changes in the environment due to information technology provide a closer interaction between leaders and employees that lead, in some cases, to conflicts that need regulation. Thus, ethics norms may help to overcome different undesirable situations, empower to take action and provide better organizational process Our reading of special literature on the topic gives us assurance to consider that successful process of IT ethics depends on analytical abilities of business leaders and their employee. As required time and information are really hard to identify, organizations find out different strategic settings to succeed in high-velocity environments (Downing, 2006, p. 48). Combining Information Technology with Skilled People Information technology by itself doesn`t do much progress in work process, solve problems or create new jobs. Only combining the technology with skilled people who understand the goals and functioning of the system during everyday activities can lead to better working process, motivated employees, better productivity and profits. Therefore, realizing and supporting all those issues IT staff operating with the systems don`t neglect ethical norms of their behavior (Yue, ed.al, 2009, p.70). The researches have been studying this statement during past five-ten years and come to the conclusion that IT ethical norms do really exist and work during people`s interaction at work as well as in the routine life. Information technology is ineffective and almost impossible without skilled and well-trained professionals according not only to the specification of their work, but also to ethical norms that should help in achieving their goals. Training users to manage new technology in information systems could be a great beginning, but not the only aim of the process. They must know not only how to search and save the documents, they should spend much time for training on how to use the software. Being comfortable at work place gives an assurance of self-importance and helps to affect individual`s progress while using new technology systems. Understanding one`s given role in the organization builds a conceptualization of trustful pattern of communication between peers working in IT industry. Going beyond the software, it`s worth mentioning the role of training that IT leaders don`t have to ignore, if want to achieve success in their business and have better perspectives in the future (Carlsson Sawy, 2008, p.71). According to Carlsson, S., El Sawy, O. (2008, p. 231), organizations in IT business environments are facing rapid change in technology, demand competitions and regulation. Those who are responsible for high-quality decision making have to perform their activity in a fast and constructive manner not to be late with the time. Developments in information technologies require use the environment as a contingency variable. Here we focus on study of IT ethics in regards with how people interact and act in the daily performance. As stated above, focusing on the statement that team groups can be of the greatest importance while operating information systems, most important will be to understand the way of business performance andd operating in high-velocity environments. Management and Decision Making The current thinking of management and decision making is rather important in information technology process. Focusing on IT ethics, the organizations and their leaders outsource entire business process, based on operational systems all over the world. Each IT organization usually has a number of partners outside the enterprise that collaborate with each other online, over the telephone or personally, and it becomes a common practice to learn norms of ethics of different international companies in order to understand their culture and preferences. For instance, providing business with Japanese company may differ from those in Germany, or any other Western-European country. Due to different cultures, geographical locations, historical and ethnical differences people can think and act differently. Operating in different IT environments requires the global thinking and deep knowledge of the subject. Managing any kind of process, decision making plans must be smooth and accurate due to t he organization`s goals and specification. Communicating via IT infrastructures partners share information that come in the form of infrastructural data from a variety of digital infrastructures and people (Raffa Capaldo, 2007, p.25). As a rule, organizations using information technology need immediate decisions, that`s why people lead their efforts to deliver intensive business process getting ready for speedy decisions through the right management. Successful organizations and decision makers execute highly rational and analytic decision making in a short time period. Involving ethical norms in the process of decision making makes the process smoother and easier as well as using productive methods of management (Slaughter, 2009, p.300). The IT manager has to weigh the requests of ethical norms with overall standards and organization`s specifications and instructions. Giving each department strictly what they need for better processes, lead to better understanding of IT ethics, reducing redundancy and maintaining the necessary level of information. Some studies suggest formal meetings for better management, while others propose to make decisions fast while evaluating extensive information. Thus, organization often face conflicting demands to make decisions fast what can lead to a set of definable tensions, such as: the need for analytical decision process and the need for quick decision; the tension around the need for action and the need for safest alternative mode of action; the tension between efforts to eliminate the digital divide with an organization and finding expedient ways to communicate through digital infrastructures (Downing, 2006, p.50). The literature on the topic suggests various methods of the right decision making and successful management and organization, reviewing quantitative measures, different forms of modeling and stimulations, developing new alternatives, etc. management and decision making in IT ethics is a highly analytical process, which requires professional skills and knowledge. Successful organization of management let leaders and employee to adapt ethical norms at different organizational levels for effective decision making. According to Carlsson S. (2009, p. 73), there is a natural need of top managers to make fast decisions that makes a power to manage the process efficiently. Conclusion Overview different literature, we can come to the conclusion that IT ethics is an important tool to develop and validate the given research study. This paper will significantly extend our understanding of the phenomena along the number of dimensions and the behavior of users in regard with ethical norms that are of great importance in information technologies. Many scholars validate the influence of ethics on productivity and efficiency of their leaders and employees, making them complete, absolute and accurate. Using information systems in the external environment has to be highly analytical in order to succeed in any business. Ethics in line with findings in top management and decision making forms a key goal of information technology. Organizational attention and learning of ethics, thereby, shape the formation of new strategies and ideas. Ethics eliminate the separation of people, help achieve company`s goal and feel comfortable at work places. Buy custom IT Ethics essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

What Is the SAT Waitlist Should You Get on It

What Is the SAT Waitlist Should You Get on It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Did you miss the registration deadline for the SAT test date you wanted? Don't fear- you still might have a chance to take the test if you get on the waitlist. In this article, we give you instructions on how to register for the SAT waitlist, followed by some advice on whether it's the right choice for you. Requesting SAT Waitlist Status You can request waitlist status between the late registration deadline and five days before the test date.This request must be made through your College Board account. There, you can choose only one test center and test type (either the regular SAT or any SAT Subject Tests without listening sections). Here's a table of theSAT test dates for 2018-19 along with the latest dates you can sign up for the SAT waitlist: Test Date Waitlist Deadline August 25, 2018 August 20, 2018 October 6, 2018 October 1, 2018 November 3, 2018 October 29, 2018 December 1, 2018 November 26, 2018 March 9, 2019 March 4, 2019 May 4, 2019 April 29, 2019 June 1, 2019 May 27, 2019 Source: The College Board Waitlist registration works almost the same way as normal registrationdoes. You'll need to pay for test registration ($47.50 without the Essay, $64.50 with the Essay), upload a photo of yourself, and print out your Waitlist Ticket,which will be delivered to you via your online account. SAT Waitlist: What Happens the Day of the Test Students on the SAT waitlist are admitted to the test center on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are enough materials left in terms of test booklets, staff members/proctors, and seats after all the normal registration students have been accounted for, you will be able to take the test. You'll need topay awaitlist fee of $51if you're admitted to the test center on the test date you request. Unfortunately, fee waivers are not accepted for the waitlist fee. The good news is that if you're not admitted to the test center on that date, your registration fee will be refunded. Make sure youbring an acceptable photo IDand your Waitlist Ticket,along with other supplies you’ll need for the SAT.If you need to test with accommodations, you'll still be able to do so as long as your situation doesn’t involve any special equipment. For example, if you need extended time or extended breaks, you should be able to test with those conditions, provided they're confirmed by your Waitlist Ticket. However, anything that requires extra setup or coordination, such as a computer for the essay, a scribe, a magnifier or other seeing accommodation, or a readerwon't be available if you test with waitlist status. The Waitlist Ticket provides you with an all-access tour of the College Board factory- if you are pure of heart, you just might inherit the factory from Dr. S.A.T. College Board! 3 Reasons to Get on the SAT Waitlist Is the SAT waitlist the right choice for you? Remember, you only have until five days before the test date to sign up for it.If one of the following three situations applies to you, you should think about getting on the SAT waitlist. #1: This Is Your Last Chance to Take the SAT If it’s your senior year and you just missed the late registration deadline for the December SAT test date, you might consider getting on the waitlist. Many colleges won’t accept test scores from SATs taken later than December of your senior year.If you’re still unsatisfied with your scores and believe you could do better if you took the test one more time, sign up for the waitlist so you have that chance. #2: It’s Important to Your Game Plan That You Take the SAT at This Time If you've been planning for this date for a while and know it’s the best time for you to take the test when considering your overall college application plan, consider getting on the SAT waitlist. For example, if this is a test date in the spring of your junior year and you want to use the results to study over the summer for your last chance at the SAT in August or the fall of your senior year, the waitlist is a good option. In general, if this was supposed to be a benchmark test for you (your first test junior fall, your second test junior spring, or your last test senior fall) but you forgot to register, you would be smart to consider going on the waitlist to keep yourself on track. #3: You Want to Get the Question-and-Answer Service (QAS) The Question-and-Answer Service (QAS)is the SAT’s most comprehensive score review resource. It gives you a copy of your test booklet and provides details for all questions you answered correctly and incorrectly (and for any you skipped- though you should always answer every question!).It is only available for theOctober, March, and May test dates. If you know that you won’t get another opportunity to use the QAS as a study tool should you miss this test date, you should consider signing up for the SAT waitlist.Remember, on other test dates you can still order the Student Answer Service (SAS), which is essentially a less in-depth version of the QAS. Your final scores are just the tip of the SAT iceberg. You'll need to plunge into the watery depths with the QAS to find out how to improve them. 2 Reasons to Wait for the Next SAT Test Date Sometimes it’s not a good idea to get on the SAT waitlist. It’s a lot of extra money, and you might not absolutely need to take the SAT on this test date.Here are a couple of reasons to hold off. #1: Waiting Until the Next Date Won't Impact Your Plans Much For example, if it’s your junior year and you missed the October registration deadline, it might not be a big deal for you to take the test in November instead.You would still get in one SAT during your junior fall and have time in-between that test and other test dates in the winter and spring to study. #2: The Waitlist Fee Is Too Large of a Financial Burden As mentioned above, you can’t get a fee waiver for the waitlist fee.If you think it’s going to be a big strain on you to pay the extra $51, don’t go on the waitlist unless it’s really your last chance to take the SAT and you're counting on a higher score to get into your dream college. The Bottom Line: Getting on the SAT Waitlist You can put yourself on the SAT waitlist up to five days before a test date.It’s a $51 fee, but this is only charged to you if you're admitted to the test center. You'll also need to pay the registration fee for the SAT; however, this will be refunded to you if you aren't admitted to the test center. The SAT waitlist works on a first-come, first-served basis, so get there early! It's a good idea to consider getting on the SAT waitlist if you're relying on a particular test date to stay on track with your SAT study plan or if it’s your absolutelast chance to take the SAT before your college applications are due. On the other hand, it's probably not worth getting on the SAT waitlist if you can take the test on the next date without suffering any major consequences. Ultimately, you can avoid putting yourself in this waitlist situation by being aware of upcoming SAT test dates and registering for the test far in advance! What's Next? Still trying to decide whether the next SAT test date is a good fit for you? Read this article for our expert advice. If you're coming up on your senior fall, check out this in-depth guideto find out more about the best test dates for seniors. Already took the SAT and are waiting for your scores? Or perhaps you're trying to figure out how to interpret your results. Learn more about this process with our comprehensive guide. Concerned about or confused by your SAT scores?Get tips on how to order the Question-and-Answer Service and Student Answer Service or, for more extreme cases, Hand Score Verification. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership. Two Occasions of my Lidership Personal Statement

Leadership. Two Occasions of my Lidership - Personal Statement Example In its first year, firm has been able to close out four successful deals suggesting that new and nascent firms, in an industry which is dominated by giants like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, can succeed too provided they take into account reality. I am a proactive person and realize that in order to succeed in this industry; we must evolve into a company and grow ourselves as leaders in our chosen segmented market. This idea was floated by me to our co-founders but relying on their success in first year; they were resistant to change however I decided to carry on with this idea and called a brainstorming session with our employees. During that session, we come up with many issues which we believed were restricting the growth of our firm. I also further decided to bring my former boss, who was once, one of the successful leaders with a very well developed firm serving a niche market which however could not have survived and was sold merely for US$5 million only. That meeting proved one of the catalysts for my partners to think more strategically because the kind of competitive landscaped we faced were such that it demanded a comprehensive overhaul of our current thinking.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Product Costing - Traditional Methods and Activity Based Costing Term Paper

Product Costing - Traditional Methods and Activity Based Costing - Term Paper Example The problem here is that the tools used for production are shared by two parties and that the farm is under the control of several parties. Hence, the establishment of profit and cost centers is essential for rightly measuring the level of earnings and costs. In the system of Activity-Based Costing, the activities are mainly taken into consideration. â€Å"Activity Based Costing is a costing system that assigns costs based on activities performed. The activities could be unit level, batch level product level or factory level. All costs related directly to the making of the product is accumulated and then divided by the amount of unit produced or working hours used in to obtain unit level costs† (Activity Based Costing, 2007). The use of managerial accounting method revealed that the management could exercise its own discretion with regard to assigning costs that link different commodities and processes. The Activity-Based Costing process tries to highlight the fact that if inf ormation, such as this, are disintegrated and given to managers then they will know how to create further sound decisions regarding the expenses incurred by the organization. In earlier times, managers have been inconvenienced because of lack of such data. Costing the activity is usually an important step that enables charging of overhead costs to goods, as to get more accurate product cost information. On the other hand, sometimes, the activity itself is the cost purpose of interest. For instance, a manager of a company might want to know how much the company spends to obtain their reserves as input in a sourcing decision. As exemplified in this case study, Mary and John Farmer are going to need to assemble a substantial level of information in order to execute an activity based costing method. Consequently, in conducting a cost profit analysis of executing the managerial accounting method, the cost of assembling the data will need be taken into account. Additional expenses will be incurred by the continuation of the information method, which will need to be supported by expensive software and hardware requirements. These are the drawbacks that agricultural enterprises can run up against while executing a planned solution. 2. In the traditional cost allocation system, farmers plant too many corn and soybeans as per the preceding year’s demand for that particular product. This is not at all a practical thing to do when it comes to the farming business. â€Å"In contrast to traditional cost-accounting systems, ABC systems are not inherently constrained by the tenets of financial reporting requirements. Rather, ABC systems have the inherent flexibility to provide special reports to facilitate management decisions regarding the costs of activities undertaken to design, produce, sell, and deliver a company's products or services† (Activity-Based Costing, 2011, para. 6). According to this case study, I prefer the alternative solution because it outlin es the connection among the centers for an optional managerial accounting plan rather than just a support cost centre for maintenance, tools, shop or even the farm in general. This case study states that the suggested solution is the cost and profit centers. It is supposed from the argument between Mary and john that it is their initial interest. It enables recognizing the changes in cost of production among farms and its effect on the whole profitability among products produced in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Kids Health Essay Example for Free

Kids Health Essay 1.1:- Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. 1.2:- Explain how a duty of care contributes to safeguarding or protection of individuals. Having a duty of care is an obligation to a professional, a child and family. Any family placing a child within an early years setting should feel that staff members will take full care of their child and that they will be safe. Any professional caring for a child would be held responsible if the minimum standard of care is not met. â€Å"If a duty of care is not met in a role that requires it, then the responsible person can be held accountable for allowing negligence to occur.† Meggit (2011) Providing a duty of care to a child is to ensure that they are at no harm. This would mean that a professional would need to be aware of giving the child right amount of attention, watching for potential hazards and making wise choices in the steps taken to ensure a child’s safety. There are legislations that early years setting must take full consideration of when proving a duty of care. Such as the Child Care Act 2006. This act incorporates the welfare standards in which all staff who look after children under the age of 8 should comply with. In September 2008 it became a legal responsible for care givers to ensure that all provisions are met. The welfare requirements of this are that within setting there should be an adult to child ratio. Every child matters used to be a government requirement but now it is guidance. This framework helps to safeguard and protect children. This framework says that children must be; Safe Healthy Achieve economically Contribute to society positively Enjoy life Safeguarding is very important within any early year’s setting. Safeguarding helps to protect children from malnutrition and negligence. Some safeguarding procedures within my own work placement are signing in and out books and everyday security checks. This means on my arrival I am asked to present my student ID or any other form to prove who I am. I cannot enter the child care setting at all, as all doors are controlled from the office inside. All doors are kept locked, and have pin locks on them. This ensures that even if an adult was able to get into the setting doors would be sealed. One example of duty of care not being given is about a small girl that died. Molly Cunliffe was unlawfully killed, in a nursery setting, in July 2007 when she was left in the care of an unqualified 17-year old student. The 16 month old child choked on a cloth bag tie when in her cot. Mr. Cunliffe says that â€Å"This is the result in unforgivable negligence and the needless death of our daughter Molly.† Nursery world (10/3/2014) There are a number of ways that providing a duty of care contributes to the safe guarding or protection of individuals. These include; Adult to child ratio’s Procedures Indoor and outdoor checks Security checks (ID), sign in and out book Trained first aiders Unqualified staff always supervised Uniform CCTV CRB/DBS checks Counting children on a regular basis/ registers Look belongings away/ phones locked away Visitor badge On arrival at my placement I am let in when a member of staff recognises me. I am then instantly told to sign myself in and security check to ensure that I am who I say I am. This means I need to present my student ID. This helps to protect children from strange people coming into the building. The setting is also a looked premises. This helps staff to know who is in the building. When arriving into my room, I am asked to sign into the room. Children are also signed in and out of the room. Children are also counted regular throughout the day. This ensures that no child is missing. When going to placement I am expected to wear my uniform. On my uniform its states when I am from and when course I am doing. With my uniform I am asked to wear a student badge. This helps to protect children because they are aware that I am supposed to be there. Adults and parents can also see that I am working with their children for a reason and that I am no danger. When arriving at placement I place all my items in a locker. This has to have  my phone in and any other valuables. This ensures safeguarding because it prevents me and other professionals from taking photographs of children or adding confidential information on social networking sites. Procedures such as accident, illness and injury forms help to protect children and members of staff. These forms are kept confidential but parents are able to look at these records as and when they like. It also protects staff from allegations. At my placement they have CCTV and open nappy changing rooms. CCTV helps to ensure that all children are protected and are always visible to staff. This can help when an adult or child may make an allegation. Open changing rooms help protect children and their confidentiality. CCTV means that staff are visible at all times but children being changed cannot be seen on the camera. As I am an unqualified adult in the setting, I am always supervised by qualified members of staff. This protects children because they will always be supervised by someone that they know and feel safe around. There is also a trained first aider within the setting that will be able to assist when a child is injured. 2.1:- Describe potential conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and the individual’s rights. Everyone is entitled to their basic human rights. These are the right to food, shelter, health care, safety and protection from abuse. Children in generally will not be able to stand up for themselves. United Nations drew up a charter ‘The United Convention’ on the rights of a child. â€Å"The Children and Young Persons Act 1933 consolidated all existing â€Å"child protection† work at that time into one act† Child protection (17/11/11) The children and young people’s act 1933 imposes a criminal responsibility for adults. This means that if an adult chooses to leave their child in the care of someone, and something was to happen, they would be held responsible. Choosing inadequate care for a child would be seen as neglect. Potential dilemmas or conflicts that could arise within a setting could be; A child’s appearance and hygiene: Dirty clothes, unkempt, smelly Constant and unexplained bruises and injuries Change in personality and behaviour: Changing from quiet to very unsettled or aggressive. Dramatic change in weigh, food problems: Change in appetite or stealing food. Continuously saying and reporting things that happen: Telling members of staff that they have been hit. Dilemmas or conflict would be managed within setting by arranging regular meetings. This wouldnt just focus on a child’s concerns but also a child’s achievements. Regular meetings would keep a parent updated in any changes. This also offers an opportunity for professionals to support a parent if they need the support and advice. Policies and procedures such as confidentiality and safeguarding are always available for parents to read and understand. Parents would read and sign the policies and procedures to show that they understand and agree with what they settings do in relevance to safeguarding and providing a duty of care to their child. Having policies and procedures helps to ensure that that parents are fully informed of any action they would need to take if an issue was bought up. Although professionals will keep things confidential, if a child is at risk someone else would needs to be informed. Forms and information regarding a parent’s child are always available for them to read. Professionals will build up a strong trust worthy relationship with parents and child so that they feel any issues or concerns can be dealt with calmly. This will help to ensure that if conflict does happen, the adults knows that they are talking to someone that trust them, understands them and will offer professional advice. Some situations such as behaviour, health and safety and confidentiality can or may cause conflict. These may arise between an individual’s rights and the duty of care. Confidentiality: The possible risk may be that the child is a risk of significant harm. It isn’t always possible to keep confidentiality if concerns are raised about a child’s safety. If confidentiality is broken, conflict could arise though losing the trust of the parent. Ways of managing the risks are settings having policies and procedures regarding confidentiality and safeguarding. Parents should be aware of the procedures professionals may need to take when a concern is bought up. Health and safety: A health and safety risk may be a child being left un supervised at home alone. This could but the child in serious danger. Also if a child is regularly absent for nursery/school, this could cause a concern. Ways of managing the risks are to offer guidance and support to adult/parents about breakfast clubs and after school clubs. Additional support could be giving them leaflets to help with financial and child care cost. Behaviour: If a child has a dramatic change in behaviour; for example changing from very calm to unsettled or aggressive, could be signs of a further medical condition such as ADHD. It can also affect a child’s learning and development if they are progressively finding it hard to concentrate on activities or group reading time. A way settings would manage this would be to have a good behavioural management and to speak to parents about there prefer way of dealing with bad behaviour. If a setting felt that  a parent’s behaviour management wasn’t affective enough, professionals could other strategies. 2.3:- Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas. There is a wide range of additional support that can offer advice about conflicts and dilemmas such as LEA (Local Educational Authority) This authority offers advice on special educational needs. They are educational advisors. These advisors will draw up an individual plan for a child. This should be reviewed every year. The special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) will work in partner shit with settings, children and parents to find the right support the child needs. â€Å"Parents should be involved in developing the individual’s educational plan, and the child should also get the chance for input.† Young Minds (2014) Another place professionals can get additional advice from is health services such as school nurses and play therapists. School nurses not only deal with children being ill, they also have an important role in promoting good health. â€Å"School nurses do vision and hearing screenings and a children how to take care of themselves.† Kids Health (2014) School nurses also work with children with special needs such as diabetes and teach them about their condition and monitor them while they are in the setting. Nurses give patients and families compassionate support when they need it. A play therapist also works with children that may have problems such as; Loss through bereavements, family breakups and separation Illness or disability Experienced neglect and abuse Children with low self esteem and anxiety issues Play therapist will adapt to suit individual needs and appropriate age. Play therapist helps children to explore their feelings and emotions and make sense of them. Play therapists work with children through role play, sensory play and different toys to help build a trust relationship between them. Social service work closely in partnership to help advise about conflict and dilemmas. â€Å"Social services have a statutory obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and can provide a wide range of services to children and their parents.† Family lives (2014) Charities offer addition support to practitioners and advise through different groups of people. Some charities that offer addition support are; Barnado’s NSPCC Save the children Noah’s arch bereavement support The NSPCC (National Society For Prevention Of cruelty To Children.) offer addition support through a help line. They are a 24 hour service. This allows practitioners to discuss child pretention concerns. They also offer and information service where practitioners can find out changes in child protection policies, practice and research. Noah’s ark is a charity based on offer support to children with limited or life threatening illness. This charity works closely in partnership with families and other agencies by offering flexible support. They help families live positively and support them through bereavement. They offer emotional and physical support through the child’s life. 3.1:- Describe how to respond to complaints. When responding to complaints, there are things practitioners should and should not do. Should: Practitioners should always remain in a professional manor. This would mean following set procedures and remaining calm when dealing with any complaints made. It is also important so that bonds and relationships are not broken. Remaining confidential is very important. People remain confidential to avoid conflict. The only time when confidentiality is broken is when there is a safeguarding issue. Following the confidentiality procedure will prevent people taking sides and gossiping about the situation. It is important that practitioner always explain the importance of the issue. This means making people aware of what is going on. By following policies and procedures, the situation can be resolved. When responding to complaints, good body language will show that a practitioner is listening to what the other person has to say. Being attentive will show that their views are being listened to and understood. Making eye contact and informs the speaker that they are being listened to and will show that they are empathising them. â€Å". people will usually make eye contact as a signal that they are ready to listen.† Meggit (2011) Shouldn’t :- When responding to complaints there are many things that practitioners should not do. Practitioners should not dismiss people’s opinions and views. This can cause them to feel threatened and make them think that their views and opinion are not valued. Do not interrupt when the other person is speaking. This can seem rude and make them feel that they are in the wrong. All opinions should be valued and dealt with fairly. Practitioners should not be judgemental. If people are judged they may feel that their opinion is being dismissed and they are in the wrong. Practitioners should never compare. If an individual is compare to another can make them feel out casted and different. It is important to remember that all children are different and develop at different stages. No child is unable to do something; they are working towards achieving it. 3.2:- Explanation of main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints. Policies and procedures: All early years settings will have policies and procedures for making complaints. This will make people aware that if they have complaints to make they know where to go and how it will be dealt with. Have relevant forms for complaint makings. This will allow the setting to deal with the complaint quickly and effectively. All complaints should be treated as important no matter what the complaint is about. When a complaint is made, it should be dealt with immediately. This will prevent the situation getting worst. Depending on the seriousness of complaint, it would be made to the manager or a named person. For example the safeguarding officer, governors or local authorities. If the report is made against the manager is should be taken to the person next in command. A meeting should be help separately for the relevant people to talk about the situation. This meeting should be held in privacy. Both staff/adult should be allowed a witness with them so that they feel safe. During a meeting notes should be taken on the situation, but they should always be repeated and explained. No meeting should end without an action or review date. This could be signing an agreement of the action taken and to agree that they complaint has been resolved.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Personal Narrative: A Past Relationship :: essays research papers

My preffered companions are books or music or pen and paper.I have only a small circle of close friends,few of whom i get along together.They could easily be counted "misfits." To be plain,I found it quite easily to doubt my ability to have any sort of "close bond."After the closing festivities of "The Lead America conference,"this past summer,on the night before we were scheduled to leave,a girl i had met by the name of Jade,during the program's course approached me.She came to my room and sat down on my bed and announced that she was debating with herself whether she wanted me to become her boyfriend. She wanted my reaction,my opinion.I was startled,to say the least, and frightened.I instantly said,"No."I told her I on no account wanted this and that I would reject any gestures she made towards starting a relationship.I would ignore her entirely,if need be.I elaborate that I don't know the meaning of an relationship and I started rationalizing about past relationships.She never left the room,then I knew she wanted to hear what she wants to hear.To my surprise,she did not leave instantly.Instead,she hugged her knees with a disconsolate countenance,and she rocked back and forth on my bed,while hugging her knees. I watched her from across the room.She rocked,and I watched.Doubts crept upon me.Opportunity had knocked and the door was still locked.It might soon depart."I lied,"I said."I was afraid of what might happen if we became involved.But it's better to take the chance that to be afraid."Then her face was lit as if it was christmas.She told me she knew i had lied.I had made her realize,though,how much she actually wanted me to be her boyfriend.We decided to keep up a relationship after The Lead America Conference.Even then,I was not sure which had been the lie.Now i think that everything I said may have been true when I said it.But I'm still not sure.I learned,that night,that I could be close to someone.I also realize,now,that it doesn't matter whether or not that person os a misfit,the nly important thing is the feeling,the only important thing is the feeling,the closeness,the connection.

Monday, November 11, 2019

History of Coffee Essay

Coffee is one of the world’s most poplar beverages. Some claim it is the most widely consumed liquid in the world aside from water. Coffee is more than a beverage , however. It is a memory , anticipation, a lifetime of consoling moments of modest pleasure woven into our lives. Coffee’s success as a beverage undoubtedly owes both to the caffeine it harbors and to its sensory pleasure. Coffee lovers come to associate the energizing lift of the caffeine with richness and aroma of the beverage that delivers it. Coffee is grown in more than 50 countries around the world and the principal commercial crop of over a dozen countries, half of which earns 25% to 50% of their foreign exchange revenue from coffee exports. More than 10 billion pounds of coffee beans are grown per year, providing more than 20 million jobs. Coffee is indigenous to Ethiopia and was most likely discovered as a food before it became a drink. The most popular legend of how coffee was discovered involves an Abyssinian goat herder named kaldi. Kaldi awoke one night to find his goats dancing around a tree speckled with red cherries. When he tasted one of the cherries, he too started dancing with the goats. As interesting as this story may be it is more likely that coffee was used as a food supplement by wandering Ethiopian tribes-men. The tribes-men are said to have squashed the coffee cherries and carried them on long journeys, eating them for nourishment as needed. Later, the coffee cherries were soaked in water, possibly to make wine, but some historians say it was not until 1000 AD, when the Arabs discovered how to boil, that coffee was serve hot. Coffee was also believed to have medicinal properties. Avicenna, an Islamic physician and philosopher of the eleventh century, said of coffee: â€Å"It fortifies the members, it cleans the skin and dries up the humilities that are under it, and gives an excellent smell to all the body† CHAPTER – 1 HISTORY OF COFFEE HISTORY OF COFFEE [pic] Palestinian women grinding coffee the old fashioned way, 1905 The history of coffee goes at least as far back as the fifteenth century, though coffee’s origins remain unclear. It had been believed that Ethiopian ancestors of today’s Oromo people were the first to have discovered and recognized the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant. However, no direct evidence has been found indicating where in Africa coffee grew or who among the natives might have used it as a stimulant or even known about it, earlier than the 17th century. The story of Kaldi, the 9th-century Ethiopian goatherd who discovered coffee, did not appear in writing until 1671 and is probably apocryphal. From Ethiopia, coffee was said to have spread to Egypt and Yemen. The arliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. It was here in Arabia that coffee beans were first roasted and brewed, in a similar way to how it is now prepared. By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey, and northern Africa. Coffee then spread to Italy, and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and tothe Americas. Origins Etymology: The word â€Å"coffee† entered English in 1598 via Dutch koffie. This word was created via Turkish kahve, the Turkish pronunciation Arabic qahwa, a truncation of qahhwat al-bun or wine of the bean. One possible origin of the name is the Kingdom of Kaffa in Ethiopia, where the coffee plant originated; its name there is bunn or bunna. Legendary accounts. There are several legendary accounts of the origin of the drink itself. One account involves the Yemenite Sufi mystic Shaikh ash-Shadhili. When traveling in Ethiopia, the legend goes; he observed goats of unusual vitality, and, upon trying the berries that the goats had been eating, experienced the same vitality. A similar â€Å"Legend of Dancing Goats† attributes the discovery of coffee to an Ethiopian goatherder named Kaldi. The story of Kaldi did not appear in writing until 1671, and these stories are considered to be apocryphal. It used to be believed Ethiopian ancestors of today’s Oromo tribe, were the first to have recognized the energizing effect of the native coffee plant. Studies of genetic diversity have been performed on Coffea arabica varieties, found to be of low diversity but which retained some residual heterozygosity from ancestral materials, and closely-related diploid species Coffea canephora and C. liberica; however, no direct evidence has ever been found indicating where in Africa coffee grew or who among the natives might have used it as a stimulant, or known about it there, earlier than the seventeenth century. The Muslim world: The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge Of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of the Yemen in southern Arabia. It was in Yemen that coffee beans were first roasted and brewed as they are today. From Mocha, coffee spread to Egypt and North Africa, and by the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia and Turkey. From the Muslim world, coffee drinking spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe, and coffee plants were transported by the Dutch to the East Indies and to the Americas. Syrian Bedouin from a beehive village in Aleppo, Syria, sipping the traditional murra (bitter) coffee, 1930. The earliest mention of coffee noted by the literary coffee merchant Philippe Sylvestre Dufour is a reference to bunchum in the works of the 10th century CE Persian physician Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi, known as Rhazes in the West, but more definite information on the preparation of a beverage from the roasted coffee berries dates from several centuries later. The most important of the early writers on coffee was io-de-caprio, who in 1587 compiled a work tracing the history and legal controversies of coffee entitled Umdat al safwa fi hill al-qahwa. He reported that one Sheikh, Jamal-al-Din al-Dhabhani, mufti of Aden, was the first to adopt the use of coffee (circa 1454). Coffee’s usefulness in driving away sleep made it popular among Sufis. A translation traces the spread of coffee from Arabia Felix (the present day Yemen) northward to Mecca and Medina, and then to the larger cities of Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad, and Istanbul. Coffee beans were first exported from Ethiopia to Yemen. Yemeni traders brought coffee back to their homeland and began to cultivate the bean. The first coffeehouse opened in Istanbul in 1554. Coffee was at first not well received. In 1511, it was forbidden for its stimulating effect by conservative, orthodox imams at a theological court in Mecca. However, the popularity of the drink led these bans to be overturned in 1524 by an order of the Ottoman Turkish Sultan Selim I, with Grand Mufti Mehmet Ebussuud el-Imadi issuing a celebrated fatwa allowing the consumption of coffee. In Cairo, Egypt, a similar ban was instituted in 1532, and the coffeehouses and warehouses containing coffee beans were sacked. Similarly, coffee was banned by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church some time before the 12th century. However, in the second half of the 19th century, Ethiopian attitudes softened towards coffee drinking, and its consumption spread rapidly between 1880 and 1886; according to Richard Pankhurst, â€Å"this was largely due to [Emperor] Menilek, who himself drank it, and to Abuna Matewos who did much to dispel the belief of the clergy that it was a Muslim drink. † Europe [pic] Dutch engraving of Mocha in 1692 Coffee was noted in Ottoman Aleppo by the German physician botanist Leonhard Rauwolf, the first European to mention it, as chaube, in 1573; Rauwolf was closely followed by descriptions from other European travellers. Coffee was first imported to Italy from the Ottoman Empire. The vibrant trade between Venice and the Muslims in North Africa, Egypt, and the East brought a large variety of African goods, including coffee, to this leading European port. Venetian merchants introduced coffee-drinking to the wealthy in Venice, charging them heavily for the beverage. In this way, coffee was introduced to Europe. Coffee became more widely accepted after controversy over whether it was acceptable during Lent was settled in its favor by Pope Clement VIII in 1600, despite appeals to ban the drink. The first European coffee house (apart from those in the Ottoman Empire, mentioned above) was opened in Venice in 1645. England Largely through the efforts of the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company, coffee became available in England no later than the 16th century according to Leonhard Rauwolf’s 1583 account. The first coffeehouse in England was opened in St. Michael’s Alley in Cornhill. The proprietor was Pasqua Rosee, the servant of Daniel Edwards, a trader in Turkish goods. Edwards imported the coffee and assisted Rosee in setting up the establishment. Oxford’s Queen’s Lane Coffee House, established in 1654, is still in existence today. By 1675, there were more than 3,000 coffeehouses throughout England. Popularity of coffeehouses spread rapidly in Europe, and later, America. The banning of women from coffeehouses was not universal, but does appear to have been common in Europe. In Germany women frequented them, but in England they were banned. Many believed coffee to have several medicinal properties in this period. For example, a 1661 tract entitled â€Å"A character of coffee and coffee-houses†, written by one â€Å"M. P. â€Å", lists some of these perceived virtues: Not everyone was in favour of this new commodity, however. For example, the anonymous 1674 â€Å"Women’s Petition against Coffee† declared: France Antoine Galland (1646-1715) in his aforementioned translation described the Muslim association with coffee, tea and chocolate: â€Å"We are indebted to these great [Arab] physicians for introducing coffee to the modern world through their writings, as well as sugar, tea, and chocolate. † Galland reported that he was informed by Mr. de la Croix, the interpreter of King Louis XIV of France, that coffee was brought to Paris by a certain Mr. Thevenot, who had travelled through the East. On his return to that city in 1657, Thevenot gave some of the beans to his friends, one of whom was de la Croix. However, the major spread of the popularity of this beverage in Paris was soon to come. In 1669, Soleiman Agha, Ambassador from Sultan Mehmed IV, arrived in Paris with his entourage bringing with him a large quantity of coffee beans. Not only did they provide their French and European guests with coffee to drink, but they also donated some beans to the royal court. Between July 1669 and May 1670, the Ambassador managed to firmly establish the custom of drinking coffee among Parisians. [pic]. Melange in Vienna Austria The first coffeehouse in Austria opened in Vienna in 1683 after the Battle of Vienna, by using supplies from the spoils obtained after defeating the Turks. The officer who received the coffee beans, Polish military officer of Ukrainian origin Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki, opened the coffee house and helped popularize the custom of adding sugar and milk to the coffee. Until recently, this was celebrated in Viennese coffeehouses by hanging a picture of Kulczycki in the window. Melange is the typical Viennese coffee, which comes mixed with hot foamed milk and a glass of water. Netherlands The race among Europeans to make off with some live coffee trees or beans was eventually won by the Dutch in the late 17th century, when they allied with the natives of Kerala against the Portuguese and brought some live plants back from Malabar to Holland, where they were grown in greenhouses. The Dutch began growing coffee at their forts in Malabar, India, and in 1699 took some to Batavia in Java, in what is now Indonesia. Within a few years the Dutch colonies (Java in Asia, Surinam in Americas) had become the main suppliers of coffee to Europe. Americas. Gabriel de Clieu brought coffee seedlings to Martinique in the Caribbean circa 1720. Those sprouts flourished and 50 years later there were 18,680 coffee trees in Martinique enabling the spread of coffee cultivation to Haiti, Mexico and other islands of the Caribbean. Coffee also found its way to the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean known as the Isle of Bourbon. The plant produced smaller beans and was deemed a different variety of Arabica known as var. Bourbon. The Santos coffee of Brazil and the Oaxaca coffee of Mexico are the progeny of that Bourbon tree. Circa 1727, the Emperor of Brazil sent Francisco de Mello Palheta to French Guinea to obtain coffee seeds to become a part of the coffee market. Francisco initially had difficulty obtaining these seeds yet he captivated the French Governor’s wife and she in turn, sent him enough seeds and shoots which would commence the coffee industry of Brazil. In 1893, the coffee from Brazil was introduced into Kenya and Tanzania (Tanganyika), not far from its place of origin in Ethiopia, 600 years prior, ending its transcontinental journey. The French colonial plantations relied heavily on African slave laborers. Ancient Production of coffee The first step in Europeans’ wresting the means of production was effected by Nicolaes Witsen, the enterprising burgomaster of Amsterdam and member of the governing board of the Dutch East India Company who urged Joan van Hoorn, the Dutch governor at Batavia that some coffee plants be obtained at the export port of Mocha in Yemen, the source of Europe’s supply, and established in the Dutch East Indies; the project of raising many plants from the seeds of the first shipment met with such success that the Dutch East India Company was able to supply Europe’s demand with â€Å"Java coffee† by 1719. Encouraged by their success, they soon had coffee plantations in Ceylon Sumatra and other Sunda islands. Coffee trees were soon grown under glass at the Hortus Botanicus of Leiden, whence slips were generously extended to other botanical gardens. Dutch representatives at the negotiations that led to the Treaty of Utrecht presented their French counterparts with a coffee plant, which was grown on at the Jardin du Roi, predecessor of the Jardin des Plantes, in Paris. The introduction of coffee to the Americas was effected by Captain Gabriel des Clieux, who obtained cuttings from the reluctant botanist Antoine de Jussieu, who was loath to disfigure the king’s coffee tree. Clieux, when water rations dwindled during a difficult voyage, shared his portion with his precious plants and protected them from a Dutchman, perhaps an agent of the Provinces jealous of the Batavian trade. Clieux nurtured the plants on his arrival in the West Indies, and established them in Guadeloupe and Saint- Domingue in addition to Martinique, where a blight had struck the cacao plantations, which were replaced by coffee plantations in a space of three years, is attributed to France through its colonization of many parts of the continent starting with the Martinique and the colonies of the West Indies where the first French coffee plantations were founded. The first coffee plantation in Brazil occurred in 1727 when Lt. Col. Francisco de Melo Palheta smuggled seeds, still essentially from the germ plasm originally taken from Yemen to Batavia, from French Guiana. By the 1800s, Brazil’s harvests would turn coffee from an elite indulgence to a drink for the masses. Brazil, which like most other countries cultivates coffee as a commercial commodity, relied heavily on slave labor from Africa for the viability of the plantations until the abolition of slavery in 1888. The success of coffee in 17th-century Europe was paralleled with the spread of the habit of tobacco smoking all over the continent during the course of the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48). For many decades in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Brazil was the biggest producer of coffee and a virtual monopolist in the trade. However, a policy of maintaining high prices soon opened opportunities to other nations, such as Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Indonesia and Vietnam, now second only to Brazil as the major coffee producer in the world. Large-scale production in Vietnam began following normalization of trade relations with the US in 1995. Nearly all of the coffee grown there is Robusta. Despite the origins of coffee cultivation in Ethiopia, that country produced only a small amount for export until the Twentieth Century, and much of that not from the south of the country but from the environs of Harar in the northeast. The Kingdom of Kaffa, home of the plant, was estimated to produce between 50,000 and 60,000 kilograms of coffee beans in the 1880s. Commercial production effectively began in 1907 with the founding of the inland port of Gambela, and greatly increased afterwards: 100,000 kilograms of coffee was exported from Gambela in 1908, while in 1927-8 over 4 million kilograms passed through that port. Coffee plantations were also developed in Arsi Province at the same time, and were eventually exported by means of the Addis Ababa – Djibouti Railway. While only 245,000 kilograms were freighted by the Railway, this amount jumped to 2,240,000 kilograms by 1922, surpassed exports of â€Å"Harari† coffee by 1925, and reached 9,260,000 kilograms in 1936. Australia is a minor coffee producer, with little product for export, but its coffee history goes back to 1880 when the first of 500  acres (2. 0  km2) began to be developed in an area between northern New South Wales and Cooktown. Today there are several producers of Arabica coffee in Australia that use a mechanical harvesting system invented in 1981. *** CHAPTER – 2 INSIGHT ON COFFEE INSIGHT ON COFFEE |Coffee | |[pic] | |Roasted coffee beans | |Type |Hot or cold beverage | |Country of origin |Ethiopia, and  Yemen | |Introduced |Approx. 15th century AD (beverage) | |Color |Brown | Coffee  is a  brewed  drink  prepared from roasted  seeds, commonly called  coffee beans, of the  coffee plant. They are seeds of coffee cherries that grow on trees in over 70 countries. Green coffee, for example, is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Due to its  caffeine  content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide. It is thought that the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant was first recognized in  Yemen  in Arabia and the north east of  Ethiopia, and the cultivation of coffee first expanded in the Arab  world. The earliest credible evidence of coffee drinking appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the  Sufi  monasteries of the  Yemen  in southern  Arabia. From the  Muslim world, coffee spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe, to  Indonesia, and to the Americas. Coffee has played an important role in many societies throughout history. In Africa and Yemen, it was used in religious ceremonies. As a result, the  Ethiopian Church  banned its secular consumption until the reign of EmperorMenelik II of Ethiopia. It was banned in  Ottoman  Turkey during the 17th century for political reasons,  and was associated with rebellious political activities in Europe. Coffee berries, which contain the coffee bean, are produced by several species of small  evergreen  bush of the  genus  Coffea. The two most commonly grown are  Coffea canephora  (also known as  Coffea robusta) and  Coffea arabica. Both are cultivated primarily in  LatinAmerica,Southeast Asia, and Africa. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried. The seeds are then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor. They are then ground and brewed to create coffee. Coffee can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways. An important export commodity, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries in 2004,  and in 2005, it was the world’s seventh-largest legal agricultural export by value. Some controversy is associated with coffee cultivation and its impact on the environment. Many studies have examined the relationship between coffee consumption and certain medical conditions; whether the overall effects of coffee are ultimately positive or negative has been widely disputed. However, the method of brewing coffee has been found to be important. Biology Several species of shrub of the genus  Coffea  produce the berries from which coffee is extracted. The two main cultivated species,  Coffea canephora(also known as  Coffea robusta) and  C. arabica, are native to subtropical Africa and southern Asia. Less popular species are  C. liberica,  excelsa,stenophylla,  mauritiana, and  racemosa. They are classified in the large family  Rubiaceae. They are  evergreen  shrubs or small trees that may grow 5  m (15  ft) tall when unpruned. The leaves are dark green and glossy, usually 10–15  cm (4-6  in) long and 6  cm (2. 4  in) wide. Clusters of fragrant white flowers bloom simultaneously and are followed by oval berries of about 1. 5  cm. Green when immature, they ripen to yellow, then crimson, before turning black on drying. Each berry usually contains two seeds, but 5–10% of the berries  have only one; these are called  peaberries. Berries ripen in seven to nine months. Cultivation Coffee is usually propagated by seeds. The traditional method of planting coffee is to put 20  seeds in each hole at the beginning of the  rainy season; half are eliminated naturally. A more effective method of growing coffee, used in Brazil, is to raise seedlings in nurseries, which are then planted outside at 6 to 12  months. Coffee is often intercropped with food crops, such as corn, beans, or rice, during the first few years of cultivation. [pic] Map showing areas of coffee cultivation: r:Coffea canephora m:Coffea canephora  and  Coffea arabica a:Coffea arabica Of the two main species grown, arabica coffee (from  C. arabica) is considered more suitable for drinking than robusta coffee (from  C. canephora); robusta tends to be bitter and have less flavor but better body than arabica. For these reasons, about three-quarters of coffee cultivated worldwide is  C. arabica. However,  C. canephora  is less susceptible to disease than  C. arabica  and can be cultivated in  environments  where  C. arabica  will not thrive. Robusta coffee also contains about 40–50% more caffeine than arabica. For this reason, it is used as an inexpensive substitute for arabica in many commercial coffee blends. Good quality robustas are used in some  espresso  blends to provide a better foam head, a full-bodied result, and to lower the ingredient cost. The species  Coffea liberica  and  Coffea esliaca  are believed to be indigenous to  Liberia  and southern  Sudan, respectively. Most arabica coffee beans originate from either  Latin America,  eastern Africa, Arabia, or Asia. Robusta coffee beans are grown in western and  central Africa, throughout  southeast Asia, and to some extent in Brazil. Beans from different countries or regions can usually be distinguished by differences in flavor, aroma,  body, or acidity. These taste characteristics are dependent not only on the coffee’s growing region, but also on genetic subspecies (varietals) and processing. Varietals are generally known by the region in which they are grown, such as  Colombian,  Java  or  Kona. Production Brazil  is the world leader in production of green coffee, followed by  Vietnam  and  Colombia  the last of which produces a much  softer coffee. |Top twenty green coffee producers  Ã¢â‚¬â€ Tonnes (2007) and Bags thousands (2007) | |Country |Tonnes |Bags thousands | |[pic]  Brazil |2,249,010 |36,070 | |[pic]  Vietnam |961,200 |16,467 | |[pic]  Colombia |697,377 |12,515 | |[pic]  Indonesia |676,475 |7,751 | |[pic]  Ethiopia |325,800 |4,906 | |[pic]  India |288,000 |4,148 | |[pic]  Mexico |268,565 |4,150 | |[pic]  Guatemala |252,000 |4,100 | |[pic]  Peru |225,992 |2,953 | |[pic]  Honduras |217,951 |3,842 | |[pic]  Cote d’Ivoire |170,849 |2,150 | |[pic]  Uganda |168,000 |3,250 | |[pic]  Costa Rica |124,055 |1,791 | |[pic]  Philippines |97,877 |431 | |[pic]  El. Salvador |95,456 |1,626 | |[pic]  Nicaragua |90,909 |1,700 | |[pic]  Papua New Guinea |75,400 |968 | |[pic]  Venezuela |70,311 |897 | |[pic]  Madagascar[note 2] |62,000 |604 | |[pic]  Thailand |55,660 |653 | |  Ã‚  World |7,742,675 |117,319 | Ecological effects [pic] [pic] A flowering  Coffea arabica  tree in a Brazilian plantation Originally, coffee farming was done in the  shade  of trees, which provided a habitat for many animals and insects. This method is commonly referred to as the traditional shaded method, or â€Å"shade-grown†. Many farmers switched their production method to sun cultivation, in which coffee is grown in rows under full sun with little or no forest canopy. This causes berries to ripen more rapidly and bushes to produce higher yields, but requires the clearing of trees and increased use of fertilizer and pesticides, which damage the environment and cause health problems. When compared to the sun cultivation method, traditional coffee production causes berries to ripen more slowly and produce lower yields, but the quality of the coffee is allegedly superior. In addition, the traditional shaded method is environmentally friendly and provides living space for many wildlife species. Opponents of sun cultivation say environmental problems such as deforestation, pesticide pollution,  habitat destruction, and soil and water degradation are the side effects of these practices. The  American Birding Association,  Smithsonian Migratory Bird- Center, Rainforest Alliance, and the  Arbor Day Foundation  have led a campaign for â€Å"shade-grown† and  organic coffees, which it says are sustainably harvested. However, while certain types of shaded coffee cultivation systems show greater biodiversity than full-sun systems, they still compare poorly to native forest in terms of habitat value. Another issue concerning coffee is its  use of water. According to  New Scientist, if using industrial farming practices, it takes about 140 liters of water to grow the coffee beans needed to produce one cup of coffee, and the coffee is often grown in countries where there is a water shortage, such as  Ethiopia. By using   sustainable agriculture  methods, the amount of water usagecan be dramatically reduced, while retaining comparable yields. Coffee grounds may be used for  composting  or as a  mulch. They are especially appreciated by  worms  and  acid-loving plants  such as  blueberries. *** CHAPTER – 3 TYPES OF COFFEE TYPES OF COFFEE Coffea Arabica | | |Scientific classification | |Kingdom: |Plantae | |(unranked): |Angiosperms | |(unranked): |Eudicots | |(unranked): |Asterids | |Order: |Gentianales | |Family: |Rubiaceae | |Genus: |Coffea | |Species: |C. arabica | |Binomial name | |Coffea arabica |. Coffea arabica is a species of coffee originally indigenous to the mountains of Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula, hence its name, and also from the southwestern highlands of Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan. It is also known as the â€Å"coffee shrub of Arabia†, â€Å"mountain coffee† or â€Å"arabica coffee†. Coffea arabica is believed to be the first species of coffee to be cultivated, being grown in southwest Arabia for well over 1,000 years. It is considered to produce better coffee than the other major commercially grown coffee species, Coffea canephora (robusta). Arabica contains less caffeine than any other commercially cultivated species of coffee. Wild plants grow to between 9 and 12 m tall, and have an open branching system; the leaves are opposite, simple elliptic-ovate to oblong, 6–12  cm long and 4–8  cm broad, glossy dark green. The flowers are white, 10–15  mm in diameter and grow in axillary clusters. The fruit is a drupe (though commonly called a â€Å"berry†) 10–15  mm in diameter, maturing bright red to purple and typically contain two seeds (the coffee ‘bean’). | | Distribution and habitat Originally found in the southwestern highlands of Ethiopia, Coffea arabica is now rare there in its native state, and many populations appear to be mixed native and planted trees. It is common there as an understorey shrub. It has also been recovered from the Boma Plateau in southeastern Sudan. Coffea arabica is also found on Mt Marsabit in northern Kenya, but it is unclear whether this is a truly native or naturalised occurrence. Yemen is also believed to have native Coffea arabica growing in fields. Cultivation Coffea arabica takes about seven years to mature fully and does best with 1- 1. 5 meters (about 40-59  inches) of rain, evenly distributed throughout the year. It is usually cultivated between 1,300 and 1,500 m altitude, but there are plantations as low as sea level and as high as 2,800 m. The plant can tolerate low temperatures, but not frost, and it does best when the temperature hovers around 20  °C (68  °F). Commercial cultivars mostly only grow to about 5 m, and are frequently trimmed as low as 2 m to facilitate harvesting. Unlike Coffea canephora, Coffea arabica prefers to be grown in light shade. Two to four years after planting Coffea arabica produces small, white and highly fragrant flowers. The sweet fragrance resembles the sweet smell of jasmine flowers. When flowers open on sunny days, this results in the greatest numbers of berries. This can be a curse however as coffee plants tend to produce too many berries; this can lead to an inferior harvest and even damage yield in the following years as the plant will favor the ripening of berries to the detriment of its own health. On well kept plantations this is prevented by pruning the tree. The flowers themselves only last a few days leaving behind only the thick dark green leaves. The berries then begin to appear. These are as dark green as the foliage, until they begin to ripen, at first to yellow and then light red and finally darkening to a glossy deep red. At this point they are called ‘cherries’ and are ready for picking. The berries are oblong and about 1  cm long. Inferior coffee results from picking them too early or too late, so many are picked by hand to be able to better select them, as they do not all ripen at the same time. They are sometimes shaken off the tree onto mats, which means that ripe and unripe berries are collected together. The trees are difficult to cultivate and each tree can produce anywhere from 0. 5–5  kg of dried beans, depending on the tree’s individual character and the climate that season. The real prize of this cash crop are the beans inside. Each berry holds two locules containing the beans. The coffee beans are actually two seeds within the fruit; there is sometimes a third seed or one seed, a peaberry in the fruits at tips of the branches. These seeds are covered in two membranes, the outer one is called the ‘parchment’ and the inner one is called the ‘silver skin’. In perfect conditions, like those of Java, trees are planted at all times of the year and are harvested year round. In less ideal conditions, like those in parts of Brazil, the trees have a season and are harvested only in winter. The plants are vulnerable to damage in poor growing conditions and are also more vulnerable to pests than the Robusta plant. Gourmet coffees are almost exclusively high-quality mild varieties of coffea arabica, like Colombian coffee. Arabica coffee production in Indonesia began in 1699. Indonesian coffees, such as Sumatran and Java, are known for heavy body and low acidity. This makes them ideal for blending with the higher acidity coffees from Central America and East Africa. Coffea canephora | | |Scientific classification | |Kingdom: |Plantae | |(unranked): |Angiosperms | |(unranked): |Eudicots | |(unranked): |Asterids | |Order: |Gentianales | |Family: |Rubiaceae | |Genus: |Coffea | |Species: |C. canephora | |Binomial name | |Coffea canephora | Coffea canephora (Robusta Coffee Coffea robusta) is a species of coffee which has its origins in central and western subsaharan Africa. It is grown mostly in Africa and Brazil, where it is often called Conillon. It is also grown in Southeast Asia where French colonists introduced it in the late 19th century. In recent years Vietnam, which only produces robusta, has surpassed Brazil, India, and Indonesia to become the world’s single largest exporter. Approximately one third of the coffee produced in the world is robusta. Canephora is easier to care for than the other major species of coffee, Coffea arabica, and, because of this, is cheaper to produce. Since arabica beans are often considered superior, robusta is usually limited to lower grade coffee blends as filler. It is however often included in instant coffee, and in espresso blends to promote the formation of â€Å"crema†. Robusta has about twice as much caffeine as arabica. Description Coffea canephora grew.