Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Influence of Emotions on Organizational Change

Presentation Acceptance of progress inside an association relies upon the enthusiastic condition of workers and chiefs. The conduct, sentiments and perspectives of workers inside an association are impacted by their feelings (Zerbe 2008, p. 173). It is imperative to feature the relational impacts of feelings so as to grasp the specific impact of feelings inside an organization.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The Influence of Emotions on Organizational Change explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The areas of hierarchical conduct are fundamental in understanding the impact of feelings on the presentation of workers (Zerbe 2008, p. 173). Hierarchical conduct areas, for example, initiative, collective choice creation and client support require passionate insight from the gatherings in question. Passionate knowledge is an entirely important trait that all partners inside an association need to have (Zerbe 2008, p. 174). The achievement or disappoi ntment of an association really relies upon the degree of enthusiastic knowledge among its representatives and chiefs. This paper will feature the job of feelings in the administration of hierarchical change. Conversation Many associations have consistently belittled the impact of feelings in the day exercises of an association (Weick 1999, p. 364). Truth be told, the subject of feelings never included in the past up to this point when chiefs understood that feelings really assume a huge job in the accomplishment of an association (Weick 1999, p. 364). Numerous associations are currently paying attention to the subject of feelings in the wake of finding its importance. Associations accepted that feelings must be communicated at home however they overlooked that representatives despite everything stayed human notwithstanding being at the working environment (Weick 1999, p. 364). The corporate world is presently finding that the positive feelings of representatives ought not be left a t home since they are urgent to the accomplishment of an association. An ongoing examination demonstrates that the profitability and innovativeness of workers is influenced in an incredible manner by feelings (Weick 1999, p. 366). Enthusiastic knowledge decides the profession accomplishment of a worker contrasted with intellectual insight. Albeit psychological knowledge is significant for a worker, research uncovers that a mix of both subjective and enthusiastic insight is essential for representatives to accomplish their profession objectives (Weick 1999, p. 366). The administration of associations has come to understand that their prosperity relies upon their capacity to use positive feelings of workers for their organizations’ potential benefit (Weick 1999, p. 367).Advertising Looking for article on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Managers who have aced the craft of invigorating and sup porting positive feelings in their representatives have really had the option to observe positive outcomes (Vince 1996, p. 17). The current market is extremely serious and it is hence fundamental for associations to accompany methodologies that can give them an upper hand. The essential wellsprings of upper hand, for example, scholarly capital, client support, hierarchical responsiveness and efficiency are affected straightforwardly by representative feelings (Vince 1996, p. 17). The imagination and information on representatives are huge in the accomplishment of an association since the cutting edge economy is information based. Workers that are innovative and proficient are responsive to hierarchical change contrasted with the individuals who are not learned and inventive (Vince 1996, p. 17). The capacity of an association to tackle scholarly capital from its representatives will empower it to get by in a development driven economy. The scholarly capital of workers ought to in thi s manner be locked in and developed by the executives for the normal outcomes to be accomplished (Vince 1996, p. 18). The passionate condition of representatives decides the organization’s level of scholarly capital (Pfeffer 1981, p. 43). The scholarly working of representatives inside the association is likewise influenced straightforwardly by feelings. A brilliant and imaginative workforce is a fantasy of numerous associations and this must be accomplished through appropriate administration of worker feelings (Pfeffer 1981, p. 43). The adaptability and inventiveness an employee’s believing is regularly reduced by a negative enthusiastic state. Adaptability in believing is one of the key characteristics required in the usage of hierarchical change (Pfeffer 1981, p. 43). It is the obligation of the board to guarantee that representatives stay in a positive perspective to upgrade innovation and adaptability in their reasoning. A disheartened workforce loses the enthusia sm to enhance and distinguish new chances (Pfeffer 1981, p. 43). Negative feelings cause representatives to lose the vitality and drive to be inventive. An energetic, certain and secure workforce will consistently settle on savvy choices and simultaneously make new arrangements (Pfeffer 1981, p. 44).Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on The Influence of Emotions on Organizational Change explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sharing of information and ability in the whole association is significant in an information driven economy (Neal 2004, p. 60). Representatives in a negative enthusiastic state are continually reluctant to help and offer data with others. Usage of authoritative change expects information to be shared all through the association and in the event that this doesn't occur, at that point hierarchical change execution gets troublesome (Neal 2004, p. 60). The scholarly capital of an association empowers data to be dispersed openly. Associat ions that have viable data scattering frameworks experience a ton of accomplishment since usage of authoritative changes turns out to be a lot simpler (Neal 2004, p. 60). Representatives who are unreliable about losing their positions are ordinarily hesitant to impart information to other people. Representatives who have a sense of security and esteemed show elevated levels of responsibility and are consistently accessible to impart their insight to other people (Lyubomirsky, King Deiner 2005, p. 805). So as to expand scholarly capital, the board must guarantee the enthusiastic condition of workers is abandoned being negative to being sure. It is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to isolate feelings from client assistance on the grounds that the two incredibly influence one another (Lyubomirsky, King Deiner 2005, p. 805). Administration laborers who are crippled and irate will make a negative help atmosphere. It is exceptionally hard to balance a negative passionate state wi th preparing activities. It is the obligation of the board to guarantee that administration representatives are roused with the end goal for them to convey quality support of clients (Lyubomirsky, King Deiner 2005, p. 805). It is perilous to have displeased help workers since they are the ones who come in direct contact with clients (Keifer 2002, p. 44). Inability to address passionate requirements of administration representatives has genuine monetary results since the association will undoubtedly lose its clients because of poor client assistance. The administration of any association ought to guarantee that this gathering of workers stays in a positive passionate state (Keifer 2002, p. 44).Advertising Searching for article on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More It is evaluated that right around 68 % of clients imperfection from organizations where the administration staff rewarded them with an impassive disposition. This surrender figure precisely shows the measure of harm that negative feelings can to do to an association (Keifer 2002, p. 45). The benefit of an association is in this manner dependant on the enthusiastic condition of administration representatives. The current market is continually changing at a quicker rate with authoritative responsiveness being a significant prerequisite for an organization’s supportability (Hughes 2006, p. 52). Representatives with positive feelings react rapidly to showcase changes. Undermined and unsettled representatives will consistently oppose change. Representatives in a dampened state won't embrace new strategies and frameworks that are significant in encouraging authoritative change (Hughes 2006, p. 53). Representatives who are focused on stick to obsolete strategies regardless of whether clearly the techniques and frameworks can not convey the necessary outcomes (Hughes 2006, p. 53). Workers with a significant serenity react to advertise changes energetically. It is in this manner consistent with state that the capacity of an association to react to advertise changes and requests relies upon the enthusiastic condition of its workforce (Hatfield, Cacioppo Rapson 1994, p. 28). Representative maintenance and fascination is another area of authoritative conduct that is affected by and large by worker feelings (Hatfield, Cacioppo Rapson 1994, p. 28). Workers who are cheerful and persuaded will consistently need to remain with the association (Hartel 2006, p. 77). An association that treats its representatives well by dealing with their physical and enthusiastic needs will consistently pull in the best gifts in the market. The profitability of representatives will rise on the off chance that they are energized and glad for their working environment (Hartel 2006, p. 77). It is hard for discouraged representatives to give out their greatest yield. Associations ought to give the best working conditions to its representatives so as to get the best out of them (Finlay 2000, p. 68). It requires a ton of exertion and assets to persuade and fulfill a disappointed workforce. The other bit of leeway of having an upbeat and propelled workforce is the decrease in the turnover cost (Finlay 2000, p. 68). Representatives who are cheerful will consistently spare the association from pointless expenses (Finlay 2000, p. 68). A positive passionate state gives representatives the vitality to buckle down on the grounds that they will be content with t

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Five forces for Zappos Essay Example

Five powers for Zappos Essay Example Five powers for Zappos Paper Five powers for Zappos Paper The threat of new participants into the on-line shoe/attire showcase is nearly minimal because of the way that Zappos is such a set up exchange name and has specific their anxiety hypothetical record. It would be far exorbitantly costly for another organization to duplicate the highlights of Zappos including their following twenty-four hours bringing and large working cost. The way that Zappos was losing cash abdominal muscle initio outlines this difficulty. Another issue that would make a high boundary to section is Zappos committedness to the customer through nightlong transportation. Zappos expressed that the nightlong transportation made them go forward their distribution centers open for the full twenty-four hours. Some other organization would be at a competitory hindrance on the off chance that they didn’t fit this worry design. In all the way Zappos concerns makes exorbitantly high an obstruction to section for hazards of new passage to be high ; for that ground we wou ld rate it 2 OF 5. _Substitutes_ We would rate substitutions at 3 OF 5. being that the threat is marginally mean. With the peculiarity of Zappos. non numerous shops can fit such a shopping experience administration as Zappos. The ground we positioned the danger of substitutions at 3 of 5 is on the grounds that there are Brick and Mortar Stores that might be utilized as substitutions of Zappos. These strength shops are non up to Zappos measures. be that as it may, at a similar clasp their specialization with specific stocks make them a threat to Zappos. The entire individual to-individual contact can hold an enormous favorable position in footings of customer administration. Zappos answers by remarkable customer administration. which really causes the mean customer to feel as though they are specific and are in contact with an existent person. : _Rivalry_ The opposition with existing houses for Zappos is simply. we gave it an assessment of 3. 5 OF 5. A central opponent for on-line retail is Amazon ; all things considered Amazon late purchased out Zappos. Since their biggest opponent is currently a sister organization. the central rivalry Zappos faces are incredibly specific online retail shippers â€, for example, Karmaloop and EastBay. These adversaries represent a danger to some of Zappos’ regions, for example, athletic spots. highlighting products. accessories. what's more, dress. Both of these locales offer free transportation each piece great. with the goal that takes off one of Zappos’ boss competitory points of interest. Zappos still has the chief customer administration. As of now their greatest challenger is eBay. eBay offers everything that Zappos does. furthermore, once in a while at a lower money related worth. Anyway since eBay is a closeout site. it can non vouch a set money related worth or free transportation like Zappos can. Client care is the place Zappos separates itself from its opposition. offering a 365 twenty-four hours merchandise exchange and all day, every day call focus hours situated in the US. _Suppliers_ We appraised the haggling intensity of suppliers at a 5 OF 5 in light of the fact that Zappos has a cluster of procurement. A ground behind this is Zappos couldn’t map adequately without a community supplier since they are a dispersion organization. On the off chance that the supplier concluded that they needed more cash per freight so Zappos in all probability agree. Taking the assets to happen new supplies can be actually profoundly won. Other than. they may non have the option to happen a supplier that can offer them a similar grouping of exchange names and habits that the present supplier does. Another way the supplier has bartering power is that there are different organizations like Amazon or Overstock. com that they could take to make worry with if Zappos isn’t satisfying their requests. The supplier is perchance the most significant nexus in the worth connection for Zappos and for this ground they have a clump of haggling power with Zappos. _Customers_ There are two perspectives we can take a gander at the haggling intensity of customers. ( 1 ) Zappos is customer administration based and the customers realize that. On the off chance that the customers lose their capacity. Zappos may lose customers. ( 2 ) Customer’s do non hold many direct substitutions. Spots are a need and here are not many choices like Zappos for buying places on the web. In portion they lose a spot of their capacity by this reality. Openings are if the customer does non wish block and howitzer shops ( physical shopping ) they will even now require to purchase from Zappos yet it opens up spread so of which another participant may try to exploit. Keeping both those features in head. the haggling intensity of customers can be viewed as middle of the road ; in this manner an assessment of 3 OF 5. Choice Zappos has made an extremely basic alluring organization. There is a group of space for developing with the ongoing buy by Amazon. ZAPPOS FIVE FORCES AND SWOT ANALYSIS’ First fix a Five Force Analysis of how Zappos works using Michael Porter’s model. Flexibly a short. direct and to the point investigation of every one of the five powers each piece great as a Decision about the general auxiliary fascination of the business in which your organization works. Affirm your examination with DATA. Second. show a general SWOT investigation of Zappos. talk the reasonings of the examination for future vital alternatives the organization may go to. You may use a story way or graph for every one of the business powers and your SWOT investigation. In all occurrences you should Supply A SCALE of how you rate each power in footings of its result on the industry’s battle now and in the great beyond. e. g. High/Medium/Low and Increasing/Decreasing/Staying the Same. The point of this case is for you to see how the picks an organization makes about its assets and capablenesss will affect its key suitability.

Is Virtue Knowledge Or Teachable Philosophy Essay

Is Virtue Knowledge Or Teachable Philosophy Essay Plato presents Socrates sees on the inquiry whether ideals is information and whether it very well may be instructed in a few discoursed, most prominently in Meno. In this exchange, Socrates makes a wide range of contentions regarding the matter of temperance. These contentions incorporate how goodness is characterized and whether individuals can obtain it. He looks at the manners in which that goodness can be accomplished; regardless of whether one is conceived being ethical, whether prudence can be educated or it is another factor for excellencies individuals have. In this article I will concentrate on the subject of whether temperance can be instructed. Platos answer is that ideals can't be instructed. In this paper I will recommend that Plato could have encircled the inquiries a piece in an unexpected way, which would have likely offered him an alternate response. Specifically I will contend that Plato may have improved to ask whether ideals could be learned as opposed to asking whether prudence can be educated. The Meno starts with Meno asking Socrates whether temperance can be instructed. The contention at that point is floated then to another inquiry, what is information. At that point Meno proposed an intriguing Catch 22: one can never discover anything new: it is possible that one knows it as of now, in which case there is no compelling reason to discover it out, or probably one doesn't, and all things considered there is no methods for remembering it when discovered (Plato 1997, 80d-e.). At the end of the day on the off chance that one doesn't as of now have the foggiest idea what arã ªte (prudence) is, he cannot look for it, provided that he doesn't have a clue what it is as of now, at that point even h he look, he wont have the option to know when one has discovered it. Socrates proposes an approach to unravel this issue which depends on the Pythagorean perspective on the undying soul. As indicated by that thought, the spirit, after the physical body bites the dust, is resurrected a nd in this manner never decimated. In the event that one can never secure any new information and simultaneously it is clear we are continually learning new things, at that point it is be presumed that learning must involve memory of previous existence encounters and information. At the end of the day there is nothing of the sort as educating, yet just recalling. In the Meno he showed with a youthful slave kid who evidently didnt have any information on geometry. By asking the little fellow inquiries he figured out how to show that the kid knew about certain scientific hypotheses. Meno asks again his unique inquiry, that is whether one can be shown temperance, or one gets ideals naturally or in some other manner. Socrates agrees to continue yet contends that they need a shared belief because of the way that neither of them can say now what excellence is. At that point Meno is made concur that in the event that righteousness isn't information, at that point it can't be instructed, and in the event that an information, at that point it very well may be educated. He calls attention to that one can encourage something just on the off chance that one realizes what it is that he is instructing. Somebody who doesn't have any acquaintance with himself how to drive a vehicle appears to be probably not going to have the option to show another person how to. Socrates and Meno much concur that there is nobody that genuinely realizes what is implied by excellence and as a result of this explanation can't be educated. As per Socrates, If ideals could be educated, we ought to have the option to know the individuals who train it as well as the individuals who gain from them, which in truth we can only with significant effort do (Plato 1997, 96c). Socrates guarantees that educators for horsemanship, medication, and so forth exist and everyone perceives these as veritable instructors, while individuals dont concur about whether the Sophists truly instruct ethicalness. Socrates goes one to talk about Thucydides, who had two children, neither of which was viewed as highminded. In any case, it is said that Thucydides instructed his youngsters in a wide range of controls, yet it appears that he was unable to discover an instructor of excellence despite the fact that he discovered educators for different parts of life he discovered significant. He was unable to show it himself either, despite the fact that he himself was known to be upright. Along these lines it appears excellence can't be a type of inform ation. With the end goal for something to be information, somebody must have the option to instruct it to other people. Socrates infers that temperance can't be instructed and that there is no methods or strategy by which prudence can be procured. Prudence is basically appeared as coming to us, at whatever point it comes, by divine allotment (reference?) In my view, if Plato had surrounded the inquiries fairly in an unexpected way, he may have found an alternate solution. That is Plato could have better asked whether ethicalness could be learned as opposed to asking whether excellence can be instructed. What I intend to state is that asking whether one can be shown something involves that the relationship of an understudy and an instructor, though asking in the case of something can be scholarly suggests just that there is an understudy (whose beneficial encounters may be supposed to be an educator.) For instance, to ask whether I was encouraged geometry is to ask whether an instructor showed me geometry. Though to ask whether I learned geometry is essentially to ask whether I learned it, regardless of whether I was shown it by a geometry instructor or gained geometry myself either from (lets state) a book or by some different methods. Learning can come in different structures. So as to get the hang of something, one doesn't require an educator in the exacting sense. For example, taking in can be accomplished from contemplating individuals who have goodness but then the last may not know that they are considered. So a man might be learning excellence, and his educators might be righteous, despite the fact that the instructors probably won't be alive. Another type of learning is understanding. Excellence might be learned through close to home understanding. In this model, the educator would be both beneficial encounters and the intelligent idea of the student. There is as yet another type of learning. A man can learn, regardless of whether he can't offer a clarification of how he learned or of what he precisely knows. For example, after somebody has experienced a specific issue in his life, he would then be able to recognize that a relative of his is experiencing a similar issue. What's more, in spite of the fact th at he can know it, he can't give a clarification of how he remembered it. Another model is that of the artists or painters who have taken in their art and can perform well, yet discover it practically difficult to give a clarification of what they have realized. So the inquiry whether goodness can be educated is an entirely different, and smaller, than whether ethicalness can be scholarly. Plato is directly in recommending that prudence can't be educated. I accept that we as a whole know or have known about individuals who recount rules of ideals (such us be caring or be straightforward,) yet think that its difficult to try them. Unquestionably in this sense temperance can't be educated. A referenced above, being able to be prudent resembles being able to be melodic, which is somewhat instinctual. Along these lines, for instance, it could be contended that knowing when, for instance, to offer assistance to a companion when he needs it, involves intuition or judgment. The entirety of this implies in spite of the fact that prudence may not be educated, it is not necessarily the case that righteousness cannot be scholarly. Plato proposes the thought that prudence is inalienable. Positively this is somewhat obvious. There are a few people with an extraordinary limit with regards to temperances like sympathy, and so forth since they were conceived. However others look as though they are brought into the world with practically zero good inner voice, which is by all accounts vital for temperance to exist. Anyway this means only that the establishment of ethicalness is characteristic, not that it cannot be scholarly. Similarly that we grasp the way that one can be lectured how to be upright yet neglect to be ethical by and by, the opposite is likewise potential: individuals can refine the manners in which they get righteousness, they may turn out to be progressively idealistic by intelligent practice, and their perspectives on the proper behavior in a prudent manner changes fundamentally as they grow up. In my view, if Plato put his inquiries in an alternate manner (that is in the event that he had asked whether prudence can be educated, rather than whether excellence can be instructed) he may have discovered a considerably more confirmed answer. Catalog

Friday, August 21, 2020

Students - How To Find Great Student Personal Essay Samples

Students - How To Find Great Student Personal Essay SamplesIf you're thinking about writing a school essay, then you probably know how difficult it can be to find student personal essay samples. Many students write essays for many different reasons, but usually their main goal is to learn how to write their own school essay. So, how do you find the samples that work best for you?The easiest way to find student personal essay samples is to use an online resource. These resources will have many examples that you can use in your essay. It's not as easy as going to your teacher's office and taking their paper, but it will help you out a lot if you have access to the internet. Make sure that you have some quality samples before you start writing your essay.Another way to learn how to write a student personal essay is to write an essay yourself. By writing your own essay, you will get the experience and confidence needed to be able to create your own essay. Write down anything that you thi nk is wrong with the assignment, and then ask yourself, 'why is this wrong?' And you'll be able to see the problems more clearly.This technique works great for most students who have experience with writing. Once you've finished your essay, then you should take a look at it again. Just make sure that you don't use a completely different style of writing in your second draft.Try writing your essay using your high school's AP style. You should use an AP style essay because the high school teachers that you used to write your paper are no longer teaching. Their opinions are irrelevant, and you will not find any of them on the board. They will also be too busy working, so they won't have time to sit and teach you.Essays are not the same as writing a short story. As you continue to get practice, you will become better at writing the essays. A student personal essay can be written in any topic that you choose. Of course, this will depend on the nature of the assignment.Even though it may seem like you don't have much time, you will find that you will enjoy the task much more than you imagined. One of the best ways to learn how to write an essay is to read lots of other students' essays. This will help you improve your writing and make you more confident in your ability to write.Writing your essay is a great way to have fun while you learn something new. By finding high school student personal essay samples, you will be able to improve your writing in no time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

One Year After Michael Jackson

One Year After Michael Jackson For MIT students, were most often having fun when were way too busy. Dont ask me why; I dont like being busy, but here I am enjoying myself AND being busy at the same time. I resent it. Regardless, its that business which brings you this entry a few days late. Now, here is a blog post, in the voice of last Friday. Where were you a year ago today? Ed.: that is, a year before June 25, 2010 Its perhaps shocking and quite revealing about our culture that these events stand out in tandem to me, but there are two days in my life that felt quite similar: September 11th, 2001, and June 25th, 2009 the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the day of Michael Jacksons death. For both of those days, I remember exactly where I was and how I reacted. I dont mean to compare relative impacts and significances for those days by mentioning them together; consider though that for the first, I was only in elementary school, and for the second, I was newly done with high school, and better able to perceive my surroundings and their significance. A year ago today, I felt a new kind of shock. I spent my morning and afternoon in lab at MIT, working on an application that eventually quadrupled the sampling rate for the sensor we were using. I left after dinner, walking towards central square with only a few hours of daylight left which I hoped not to spend in traffic. I was headed to alewife, where I would fetch my car for the uncomfortable daily fee of seven dollars and sit in awful traffic until I could take the highway back to my (then) home. Coincidentally, one day short of a year afterward, I became no longer able to call that place home, but thats a different topic (and one of the less fun reasons Ive been so busy, recently). I was walking through central square when I felt the first ripples. Outside of the McDonalds on Massachusetts Avenue stood three punks (I use the term punks because the image you should have in your head is that of punks standing on a street corner in a bad 80s teen comedy, smoking and wearing unusual amounts of leather. Replace the leather pants with skinny jeans and any odd jackets with awkwardly plaid shirts, change the category to hipsters, but keep the stigma of punk and youll imagine what I encountered). Some of these punks called out to me: Hey, Michael Jacksons dead! I thought they were joking, and didnt acknowledge them, eager to make it home. To a fellow punk: Doesnt even look at us. Nobody cares. [laughter] As I walked, I thought of what an odd thing to say that was; although attempted provocation of passers-by isnt all that uncommon, why would they bring up Michael Jackson, who (I thought, at least) had been out of the spotlight for a few years? Was it possible they werent joking? On the T, I started to hear more of the story. As people got on at harvard, porter, davis, I heard more: Did you hear about MJ? Is it true?. What happened to Michael Jackson? The spread of news was amazing; Im sure a similar spread occurred in 2001, although I was too young to observe it. The ripples turned into waves, and when I got into the car the tsunami hit: there was no music. No music, only talk radio. All of the stations were talking and confirming what Id slowly began to fear (and why I feared it, I didnt know) Michael Jackson had died. The King of Pop was gone. For the past few years, Michael had been an easy target. The color of his skin, the child abuse scandal the internet ate him up. One of the Scary Movies featured a nasty MJ jab, I remembered. There was the photoshopped movie poster for Home Alone with MJs face in the window, spread endlessly over the internet. The jokes went on; the King of Pop was being treated as a jester. I think that much of my generation focused on Michael in that light; we grew up on the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears (umm no comment). And, in the uncomfortable middle school years, who of my age trying desperately to be funnier than their friends didnt crack at least one joke about Michael Jackson and child abuse, or his amazing color-changing abilities? Regrettably, I almost certainly did; fortunately, I dont remember them. However, it seemed to me that Michael had been dragged down from his throne as the King of Pop. As I caught the news over the radio stations, the Michael Jackson of my middle school years was what I expected to hear remembered. Instead of condemnations and stories of scandal, I heard praise. I heard the world come together not just through broadcast media, but through conversations in the student center and on the T in the week to follow after a mans death, and I heard them praise him for his accomplishments rather than make a mockery of his failures as had been the norm of recent years. I heard us recognize the mans talents and his weaknesses, and I was amazed. I didnt expect the world to be able to love a man whod committed such atrocities, but I was shocked and amazed that we were able to. I dont in any way condone child molestation, and I know the world doesnt either; thats what made it remarkable to me. I guess I just didnt think the world would be able to separate sin from a sinner. I didnt think that we, as a people, were that nice. I was very refreshingly shown just how wrong I was. As I listened to Billie Jean and drove down route 2 west, I was shell shocked, and I drove slowly in contemplation; sad that wed lost such a talented man, but happy to see us accept ing him as we seemingly hadnt near the end of his life. I remember wishing I had some venue through which to offer my respect for the mans accomplishments, and to share what Ive shared here. A year and a blog later, here is to Michael Jackson. For the last week, Ive listened to Oldies 103.3 FM at work; every day, they made mention of their Michael Jackson tribute scheduled for Friday. Today, spending a few hours in the car, I enjoyed remembrance of the emotions Id felt driving one year ago, and I listened to some good music. Where were you, the day Michael Jackson died?