Monday, February 17, 2020

Fantasy Genre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fantasy Genre - Essay Example But in the process, Ulrich loses his life and the responsibility of freeing the village from clutches of the dragon falls on the shoulders of the inexperienced Galen. But the determined Galen, helped by a brave princess, Valerian, eventually succeeds in terminating existence of the dragon. But that is not before the story takes some twists and turns, before the evil force (dragon) is vanquished. The film, which went on to be just an average success, included some extremely violent sequences scaring the young viewers. (1) There is no hesitation whatsoever in emphatically stating that this movie belongs to the genre of fantasy, and there indeed are highly valid reasons for stating so. The most striking of all reasons is attributable to the fact that the entire story of the movie revolves around the rampaging dragon. And dragons are nothing but figments of human imagination and fantasy. Next, the movie also encompasses things such as sorcerers and the manner in which youngsters aspiring to become like them (sorcerers) undergo training. Obviously, all these elements are also included only in tales resulting from fantasy. In addition, aspects such as appeasing evil entities by means of human sacrifice, talismans offering protection, among others, are typical of movies pertaining to this genre. (1) At this point, it would be very much appropriate in briefly focusing on some quotes from this movie. For, the same would help not just in having a further understanding of the central characters, but also add weight to the fact that â€Å"Dragon Slayer† is an out-and-out fantasy film. At one point in the movie, Valerian asks Ulrich â€Å"Are you afraid of dragons?† In reply, he says â€Å"No. In fact, if it weren't for sorcerers, there wouldn't be any dragons. Once, the skies were dotted with them. Magnificent horned backs, leathern wings... soaring... and their hot-breathed wind. Oh, I know this creature of yours... Vermithrax Pejorative. Look at these scal es, these ridges. When a dragon gets this old, it knows nothing but pain, constant pain. It grows decrepit... crippled... pitiful. Spiteful!† This conversation between the two characters subtly stresses on a point: during the imaginary times to which some of the fantasy films refer to, sighting dragons was not uncommon and people were highly scared of these creatures. Here, it can again be understood that this movie has elements that resulted from just the imagination of people, a fantasy. (2) In the story, when Galen stops a princess from being offered in sacrifice to the dragon, the wizard, Tyrian, says â€Å"I knew I'd find you here. Well, I'm not as sentimental as his majesty. The kingdom, everyone of us, needs this sacrifice. If you intend to interfere, you'll have to kill me.† Galen responds to that with the words â€Å"I've plenty of reasons to kill you that have nothing to do with this sacrifice.† This particular exchange of words emphasizes on the extent to which superstitions such as human sacrifices were followed by some primitive cults. It is not just that. The reply of Galen is a reflection of his commitment to eliminating the evil forces and saving the good people. (2) As the movie is slowly drawing to an end, Valerian expresses her worry to Galen in this way: â€Å"It's a shield. I made it. Might keep the fire off of you, might not. You know, you're an idiot. You're going to die tonight. You'll be ripped, limb from limb. This is the last time I'll ever speak to you!†

Monday, February 3, 2020

HIPAA Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

HIPAA - Term Paper Example ..........................................12 APPENDIX 1.......................................................................13 APPENDIX 2........................................................................15 List of Figures 1. Health Information Security System Architecture. Executive Summary The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 has been a great leap forward in protecting the patients' rights by putting restrictions on the health data flow and usage. The renewed sense of privacy and security in health care sector attributed to it by this new legislation had its unique impact on technology as well. A whole set of technological applications evolved making possible a new way of handling data. But the threats to privacy and security that emerged from the very use of this new technologies, has to be addressed by technology itself. In this manner, health care information architecture and technology are seen as co-evolving to provide quality and ethi cal health care to all. To cope with the re-identification risk, more technological improvements have to be looked at. Technology and HIPAA Privacy Regulations: The Problem Becoming the Solution Introduction The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the Privacy and Security Rules under it, are meant to protect the many aspects of privacy and security of the health care services customer.1 The rules which protect privacy under this act are, the HIPAA Privacy Rule, that takes care of the privacy of the â€Å"individually identifiable health information