Tuesday, December 24, 2019

An Overview of Childhood Leukemia - 704 Words

Overview of Presentation This paper will provide an overview of childhood leukemia, as depicted in My Sisters Keeper It will discuss the emotional and social stresses the disease places upon the family as well as upon the individual patient. Background of Movie and Character My Sisters Keeper depicts a family that decided to have another child named Anna through genetic engineering that is identical to their eldest daughter Kate. This enables Anna to have a perfect genetic match and keeps Kate alive. At the beginning of the film, Kate has gone into renal failure and Anna is being required to donate a kidney to her sister. Functional Assessments Health Perception/Health Management: Despite the fact that she needs a kidney transplant, Kate wishes to see herself as normal and develop as a normal adolescent. Nutrition/Metabolic: A healthy diet for someone with leukemia is similar to that of the everyday population (Suszynski 2011). Kate must modify her diet, however, given her failing kidney. Pattern of Elimination: Normal until recently, given that cancer has spread to the kidneys. Kate is currently at the hospital undergoing dialysis. Assessment Continued Pattern of Activity/Exercise: Kate led an active lifestyle of an adolescent, including dancing and going to the beach, when not in the hospital for treatment with her condition. Conceptual/Perceptual Pattern: Kates mother Sara has not emotionally dealt with her illness, given the profoundShow MoreRelatedLeukemia is the most Common Form of Cancer Among Children Worldwide1380 Words   |  5 Pagesblood cells is leukemia. As of the year 2012, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) reports that leukemia represents a percentage of 2.5% of all cancers with 352 cases diagnosed per 1000. From a regional perspective, Qatar ranks at the 24th position for leukemia with a rate of 5.4 deaths per 100,000 as documented by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2011. 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PREPUBLICATION COPY: UNCORRECTED PROOFS Copyright  © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health http://www.nap.edu/catalog/12956.html Contents SUMMARY OVERVIEW OF THE REPORT PART I: KEY MESSAGES AND STUDY CONTEXT 1 Key Messages of the Report 2 Study Context S-1 O-1 1-1 2-1 PART II: A FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE NURSING PROFESSION 3 Transforming Practice 3-1 4 Transforming Education 4-1 5 TransformingRead MoreGsk Annual Report 2010135604 Words   |  543 PagesDo more, feel better, live longer GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2010 Contents Business review P08–P57 Governance and remuneration P58–P101 Financial statements P102–P191 Shareholder information P192–P212 Business review 2010 Performance overview Research and development Pipeline summary Products, competition and intellectual property Regulation Manufacturing and supply World market GSK sales performance Segment reviews Responsible business Financial review 2010 Financial position and resources

Monday, December 16, 2019

Lgbt Organizations Free Essays

LGBT Supportive Organizations The first website I visited was called No Longer Silent: Clergy for Justice. Their main focus was on an alternative Christian perspective on the issue of homosexuality. They basically believed in advocating justice for all, especially Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgendered persons. We will write a custom essay sample on Lgbt Organizations or any similar topic only for you Order Now The support that I see they give is a sense of belonging. They give the support that many seek with is religious acceptance. This organization is very unique because for many years the church has never really given gays a home; No Longer Silent gives us that place to go to for moral support. Their website gave educational materials like articles on news pertaining to our community. Also materials like scriptures from that give the LGBT community, who are not familiar with the bible; some interpretations and teachings. The next website that I visited was called Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network. Their focus was on assuring that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. They give support by giving students internet resources on bullying. They also support our LGBT community by starting their campaign â€Å"Think before you speak†. It helps us inform the world that words do hurt and helps in the prevention of anti-gay language. Their website gives educational materials like Facts about Sexual Orientation. They even give resources like crisis support and advocacy. Then I visited the website for Equality Arizona. Their focus is to secure, protect and defend the rights and welfare of LGBT people in Arizona. The support they give is huge throughout the state of Arizona. They are the ones that fight for our rights. They support us in legal stand points like marriage and adoption. As for educational materials, they give many blogs on how our issues are coming along. For example: They explain how our local LGBT leaders respond to President Obama’s Declaration of Support for Marriage Equality. Next website visited was PFLAG Phoenix. Their focus is on celebrating diversity and envisions a society that embraces everyone, including those of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Their support is very important to our community. Their support is being our family with open arms. It gives parents and families a place where they can show their support for us. They have a lot of educational material for not only our LGBT community but for our families too. It gives terminology, some theories, and most of all many answers to questions. The last website I visited was 1n10. Their focus is on providing our youth with the tools to improve their self-esteem and help with acceptance of who they are. Their support is how they create a safe space, mentally and physically, for youth ranging for 14-24. Their support also includes helping teens by providing homeless shelters and suicide prevention crisis lines. Educational materials were scarce. I really didn’t find anything other than a lot of resources for different problems our LGBT youth may encounter. To say the truth, I never knew any of these organizations existed. The one that melted my heart the most would be the PFLAG website. Reason being is all LGBT people look for family acceptance. All the pictures of the protesters made me smile. The 1n10 website also struck me because to me the youth is our future. If they are not educated or helped with open arms, society just might take steps back instead of forward. Our adolescent years are crucial especially being LGBT. The Equality Arizona website gives me hope that one day they will push far enough to make Marriage and Adoption legal for us. I think that step would push us through the red tape at the finish line. No Longer Silent is another milestone. I learned that they gives us a place of religion that doesn’t outcast us or tell us we should change because if we don’t we’ll go to hell. That’s important to me because during my coming out I lost faith in religion. The GLSEN website shows me that one day LGBT could one day cease forever. All of these websites posed as a great learning experience. How to cite Lgbt Organizations, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Managing Human Resources Sustainable Practices

Question: Discuss about the Managing Human Resources Sustainable Practices. Answer: Introduction Human resource management consists of various members working for attaining the various types of human resource practices in an organization. With the help of the human resource practices, an organization can easily achieve its various goals related to the social and the environmental responsibilities of that organization. The management of the human resource department incorporates various different- different policies for the well-being of the company as well as for the employees working in the organization (Harris, 2011). The human resource department has to perform various tasks like recruiting the new employees for the hospital or any other organization, managing the training programmes for the new employees, development processes for the good working of all the departments of a particular organization, tasks related to any type of dispute within the organization. All the practices being carried out by the human resource department help the company in carrying out their business successfully (Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Sorieno, Leduc, 2006). Various tasks or the responsibilities related to the human resource department are as discussed below. Recommendations According to the information given in the case study, the first hospital is having approximately 400 employees working in the different geographical conditions or locations of the Australia. From the given detail, we came to know that, there is no particular human resource department working in the hospital. Therefore, it is very difficult for the CEO and the other managers of the hospital to manage the complete working of all the departments of the hospital successfully. According to this report, the hospital must have a specific defined human resource department for controlling the overall working of the employees working in the different departments of the hospital (Hogan, Moxham, Dwyer, 2014). As we know, the working of individual completely affects the overall working of the hospital as well as it also affects the overall business of the hospital. With the help of the assigned human resource department the complete working of the hospital will improve for sure (Stanton, Bartram, Leggat, 2008). Various steps required for the building a sustainable HR capability are according to written below. Human Resource Planning The human resource planning helps in managing the number of employees working in the hospital. It helps the management of the hospital in forecasting the number of employees or any type of worker for the hospital in the future. It is must for the human resource planning to get correlated with the business strategies being used within the company. It helps in making a selection among various business strategies, which will help the organization in achieving their goals. It is the responsibility of the human resource management in maintaining the complete workforce of the hospitals. A large number of health care systems are working across the country or we can say worldwide, their main attention is on the quality of services being provided by them to the customers (Ojha Sinha, 2016). It is the responsibility of the human resource management in maintaining good relations with the health input systems, elements related to the budget system and the expenditure categories, etc. the human resource manager manages the balance between the large number of human resources as well as the physical resources. Staffing - In this process of the human resource management the functioning of each and every employee is clearly explained to the staff of the hospital. The patterns related to the staff of the hospital are clearly defined and is clearly indicated in the each and every department of the hospital. Each and every employee should know about the job which he or she has to perform for the organization. The job description provided to the employees by the human resource department will clearly explain the various functioning of a particular employee as well as the responsibilities which they have to perform for the sake of the hospital. Recruitment The human resource management working in the hospital helps in the recruitment process of the employees. The management is provided with a particular recruitment strategy for the successful selection of the employees for the hospital. For this the management of the human resource advertises the various posts widely and afterwards the short listing of the candidates is completely based upon the particular selection criteria defined by the management of the hospital. The selection criterion is clearly described in the job description provided at the time of advertisement by the human resource manager. The selection process is completely done according to the need of the organization, i.e., the selection process may include written examination, medical examination, skills testing, etc. Performance The management should take strict action for evaluating the performance of each and every employee working in the hospital. It is the responsibility of the human resource manager for implementing a staff appraisal process within the organization. The management should provide special training to the employees for implementing the appraisal process successfully. The results related to the performance of all the employees should be circulated in all the departments of the hospital. Ensuring 24 hour coverage in this phase of the management, the appropriate plan is made for making the several improvements related to the capacity strength of the staff in a hospital. It also helps in defining the support related to the clinical staff, managerial support as well as any other supporting staff working in the hospital for the sake of the hospital as well as for the patients. For the successful accomplishment of this phase, the management provides training to the staff of the hospital. Each and every department of the hospital has different- different representatives, which ensures the capability and the strength of the workers working in his/her departments so that, the performance strength can be easily ensured within the organization. Personnel procedures In this phase of the human resource, all the workers working in the different departments of the hospital are directly attached to the human resource database so that, any type of service can be availed by the staff in an effective manner and in an efficient time period. In this phase, the verification of each and every employee of all the departments is being tested so as to provide them authentication regarding to the job or work they are performing or which they still have to perform. In this step of the human resource, the manager of the department provides identity cards and identity numbers to the employees as per according to the departments in which they are working (Lopes Lobo, 2015). All the processes related to the leaves of the employees or regarding to the death, disability or retirement, etc., are being handled in this step of the management. Latest technologies are being used by the management for recording the attendance of the employees on a re gular basis. Various types of benefits are being provided by the management to the employees regarding to rules and regulations defined by the hospital management as well as by the government of the country regarding the job. Staff Induction and Communication According to the detail given in the case study, the management of the first hospital is not working according to the human resource department or we can say that, there is no particular human resource department for managing the complete working of the employees in the hospital (Kwak, McCarthy, Parker, 1997). For fetching the information about the various problems being faced by the employees of the hospital at the time they are communicating with the patients or providing any type of service to the patients the management should introduce staff induction and communication process in the hospital. This process will help the employees in expressing their views with the other employees and with the head of the departments. Management needs to provide specific solutions for the problems being faced by the employees while the time of dealing the customers, etc. the communication process and training provided to the employees by the management regardin g to the use of different languages in the hospital, will help the employees in making several deals easily (Negi, 2013). Health and Safety for carrying out any type of business the various health and safety measures are very necessary for all the organizations (Tikare, 2009). The customers nowadays are very sensitive in nature regarding to the machines being used by the hospital for treatment purposes, equipment used for any type of service, use of latest technology for the treatment process, etc. Salary and Wages this step is also an important part of the human resource management. In this step, the manager or the management of the human resource department circulated the salary structure of the employees depending upon the service or job an individual is performing (University of California, 2015). The salary of an individual working in the hospital is completely dependent upon the type of task he/she is performing for the hospital in providing various services to the customers/patients etc. Benefits the management of the hospital should take time to time surveys for evaluating the various favorable and unfavorable conditions affecting the sustainability of the hospital environment. The management should reward the employees those who are working god for the sake of the company and this step of rewarding an individual will automatically help in motivating the other employees of the company (Limited, 2010). Security regarding to the security of the hospital management should make several efforts for achieving the faith of the people of the country by providing best class services at a reasonable price (Parker, 1997). The management should provide the customers with basic securities like security related to the luggage, security related to the lockers provided to the patients for the safety of their important accessories, security related to the parking facility, etc. Conclusion The human resource management is very necessary for the successful working of any type of organization. It is the responsibility of the management for hiring the best people for their organization so that, they can work effectively and in an efficient manner. The working of an individual completely affects the overall working of the hospital. The management of the hospital should use equipment of the latest technology for providing the latest services to the customers. They should make the use of best class strategy for hiring process of the employees, marketing of the services, etc. with the help of social media channels the management of the hospital can easily get connected with more and more people across the world. All these efforts are very beneficial for increasing the overall profitability of the hospital. Therefore, by attaining the above discussed factors the sustainable human resource capabilities can be achieved. References Harris, S. (2011). The Top Best Practices for the High-Impact HR Organization. Bersin Associates research report. Retrieved from https://marketing.bersin.com/rs/bersin/images/HIHR%20Executive%20Summary.pdf?bcsi_scan_64741547a7fe261b=ha+3Yvkt1iBRbvdtgU8rtDkGzyNAAAAAW2zWZw==bcsi_scan_filename=HIHR%20Executive%20Summary.pdf Hogan, P., Moxham, L., Dwyer, T. (2014, December 17). Human resource management strategies for the retention of nurses in acute care settings in hospitals in Australia. 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